
How can conventional monetary policy and macroprudential policy complement each other to achieve financial and economic stability at the same time?


While traditional monetary policy seeks to stabilize prices and the economy through policy rates, financial stability has also become an important requirement due to the increasing complexity and interdependence of the financial system since the global financial crisis. To this end, macroprudential policies have been introduced, which seek to promote financial system health and achieve economic...

Internalism vs. externalism: Is the justification for knowledge inherent in the cognizer’s beliefs or in objective evidence?


Internalism locates the justification of a belief in its relation to other beliefs of the cognizer, while externalism locates the justification in the cognitive process of reliability through objective evidence. This debate is at the heart of philosophical inquiry surrounding the definition of knowledge and the criteria for justification.   In the Western philosophical tradition, knowledge...

Can supercritical fluid extraction preserve the aroma and taste of sesame oil and revolutionize a variety of industries?


Supercritical fluid extraction technology is an innovative way to preserve the aroma and taste of sesame oil and minimize the loss of natural ingredients. It can be applied to a variety of industries, including food, medicine, and cosmetics, and is environmentally friendly and economical compared to traditional mechanical extraction methods.   Anyone who has ever been to a traditional market...

What is the nature of language in the philosophy of language of Karnap and Lorty, in the confrontation between scientific positivism and pluralistic views?


Karnak rejected as meaningless any statement that is not grammatically correct or empirically verifiable, a view that emphasized the clarity of scientific inquiry, while Rorty saw language as a product of historical contingency, with no fixed meaning or truth. These two philosophers contrast in their approach to the nature of language and truth, and offer different possibilities for philosophical...

How do the keys, hammers, strings, soundboard, and pedals interact to produce the distinctive sound of a piano?


A piano is a stringed instrument in which keys are pressed to cause hammers to strike strings, which transmit vibrations to the soundboard, amplifying the sound. Each key has an action to control the hammer, and pedals control the tone and sustain. These elements interact to create the piano’s distinctive tone.   The piano, which we often call a keyboard instrument, is technically a...

What are the registration requirements and limitations of trademark law, and how does modern trademark law protect different types of marks?


Trademark law requires a trademark to be distinctive in order to be registered, meaning that it must evoke associations of a particular good in the minds of consumers, and cannot be a common name or public mark. Nontraditional marks, such as colors, sounds, and smells, can also be protected under modern trademark law.   According to trademark law, a trademark is a sign, such as a symbol...

Why can movies be considered an important source for historical research?


As a visual source, movies play an important role in historical research by providing a different dimension of information and sensation than traditional written sources. Through its fictionalized elements, it reflects the conditions of the time and contributes to understanding history from different perspectives.   Since the past has passed, it is impossible for a historian to directly...

How should we define art, and why are different philosophical approaches important in understanding the nature and value of art?


Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that discusses art and aesthetic experience. Starting with Aristotle’s theory of imitation, various theories have explored the nature and definition of art, including Romanticism, representationalism, formalism, art undefinability, and institutionalism. These philosophical discussions have a profound impact on the creation, evaluation, and appreciation...

What is the legal effect of a mismatch between intention and manifestation in the process of expression?


Intention is an act that creates a legal effect by displaying an internal intention to the outside world, and it goes through the process of motive, intention to effect, intention to display, intention to act, and act of display. If the intention and the indication are consistent, there is no problem, but if there is a mismatch, it can lead to a difference in the interpretation of legal acts...

Can Administrative Legislation Replace Parliamentary Legislation in the Age of High Technology?


Administrative regulations to realize administrative purposes must be based on laws enacted by the National Assembly, but in situations involving high technology, the need for rapid response has led to an increasing use of administrative legislation enacted by the executive branch and local governments. Administrative legislation includes delegated orders, administrative rules, and ordinances...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!