
How can a sound from tens of kilometers away come through a radio and sound as real as if you were talking in the room?


Sound is a wave traveling through the air, and the reason we can hear someone speaking over the radio from a distance is because of the principle of modulating sound information into radio waves, which are then transmitted and demodulated by the receiving radio to restore the original sound. This process, which utilizes frequencies, allows multiple sound signals to be transmitted simultaneously...

Is intermittent fasting the best way to eat what you want and lose weight while staying healthy?


Intermittent fasting has gained popularity as a way to lose weight by limiting when you eat. However, the lack of food restrictions and fluid eating patterns can lead to overeating and health problems, and its long-term effectiveness has been questioned.   While the modern beauty ideal favors a slender body with thin limbs and a small waist, in the past, voluptuousness was considered a...

If tobacco is more harmful than some drugs, why is it still legal and doesn’t need stronger regulation?


Tobacco has similar risks and addictive qualities to drugs, yet it is still treated as a symbol product and sold legally. Given the social harms and health threats posed by tobacco, there is a strong argument to be made for its classification as a drug and stronger regulation.   Drugs are often associated with strong images, and because they are legally prohibited, people’s perceptions...

How important is the chemical engineering technique of separating aspartame and its optical isomers for Diet Coke’s sweetness?


Diet Coke uses aspartame to provide zero calories and sweetness at the same time, but separating the optical isomers is key. The ability to remove the bitterness of aspartame and retain its sweetness is a key aspect of chemical engineering, which also plays an important role in pharmaceuticals, food, and other fields.   Diet Coke first appeared in 2005. Because of its zero calories, Diet...

Is dyslexia just a reading disorder or a driver of creativity and innovation?


Dyslexia is not just a reading disorder, it’s a condition caused by structural differences in the brain, and it’s often misunderstood in society. However, there are many examples of people with dyslexia being able to think creatively and innovatively. It’s important to correct the myths about dyslexia and understand it properly.   On the internet, disagreements between...

Was Albert Einstein’s genius innate or the result of environment and education?


  The debate over whether Albert Einstein’s genius was genetic or the result of environment and education touches on the age-old question of nature versus nurture. In this article, we’ll compare the perspectives of nurture and genetic determinism, and highlight the impact of nurture on human behavior and personality.   Introduction We might wonder whether Albert Einstein was...

Is gaming a social evil that promotes youth violence and addiction, or is it a positive cultural and leisure activity?


The negative perception and government regulation of gaming is largely based on stereotypes, and gaming can play a positive role in enriching leisure life and shaping new cultures.   My parents are very anti-gaming. If I play games at home, I’m sure to hear their scolding. Of course, they don’t directly sanction me, but it’s impossible to play normally in an atmosphere that...

Why should we live rightly, considering long-term social good over short-term gain?


This article explains why humans are expected to follow rules and laws in society, and explores why selfish behaviors such as free riding in team tasks can lead to long-term disadvantages. It compares narrow short-term benefits to broader long-term benefits, emphasizing that free riding negatively impacts an individual’s social trust and growth.   Humans live in societies. We live with...

Is animal testing necessary for scientific advancement, or is it time to abandon it in favor of animal rights?


Animal testing has played an essential role in advancing human medicine and science, but there are also strong arguments for respecting the rights and welfare of animals. What choice do we have between scientific advancement and animal rights?   There’s a hot debate among scientists these days about the need to abandon animal testing. The argument that animals have rights just like...

Can humanity learn from the lessons of two world wars to prevent a third?


Humanity has made enormous sacrifices in two world wars, and tensions are still rising today with economic confrontations and nuclear threats. The possibility of a third world war still exists, but it may take a different form than in the past. Humanity is now at a crossroads where we need to consider what options we have for peace and coexistence.   Throughout human history, war has been an...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!