
Is our psychological nature determined by evolution from birth or shaped by environmental factors?


To what extent is our psychology determined by evolution from birth, or is it shaped by our environment and learning? Evolutionary psychology argues that our instinctive psychology and behaviour is the result of natural selection, with environmental factors also playing an important role.   But what kind of minds are we born with? We may be born with no mind at all, like a blank slate. As we...

Despite our selfish nature, can humans make altruistic choices through simple communication?


Despite our selfish nature, humans can sometimes choose altruistic behaviour through communication. The Public Goods Game and Tragedy of the Commons experiments have shown that simple conversations and discussions can play an important role in inhibiting individuals’ selfish choices and encouraging cooperative behaviour.   What do we think of when we hear the word ‘wolf’? ‘Full moon’...

Why do humans behave altruistically towards others who are not blood relatives, and how did this behaviour evolve?


The reasons for altruistic behaviour in organisms like humans are related to a long evolutionary process. In particular, the kin selection hypothesis explains altruistic behaviour among kin, but not among non-kin. As a result, various theories have emerged to explain the evolution of altruism.   Can we survive on our own at birth without any help from those around us? The chances of survival...

How did my high school struggles and troubles shape me into the person I am today?


  The struggles I went through in high school, preparing for the SATs, running away, and facing reality again, shaped me into the person I am today. It was hard at the time, but looking back, it was meaningful and precious because of the memories and achievements with my friends.   A high school experience most adults in Korea have had High school is the last year of school before...

Will genetic engineering help humanity survive or lead to the loss of diversity?


This article discusses the implications of using genetic engineering to manipulate your child’s genes for the future of the human race. It warns of the potential dangers of genetic engineering, arguing that a reduction in genetic diversity could be detrimental to human survival in the long term.   Since Gregor Mendel’s discovery of the laws of heredity in the 19th century...

Limitations of conventional therapies and virus-based cancer treatment: can it lead to a cure?


  Cancer is the leading cause of death in South Korea, and conventional surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy have their limitations. Recently researched virus-based therapies selectively attack only cancer cells and can be used in combination with immunotherapy to maximise the effectiveness of treatment. Future challenges include safety and addressing the risk of mutations.   Cancer and...

Why has built environment engineering become an essential discipline for the sustainable development of our society?


  More than just an engineering discipline, it plays a key role in economic growth by responding to various social challenges such as urbanisation, environmental issues, and infrastructure development. This highlights the importance and academic value of the discipline and emphasises that it is essential for sustainable development.   About the Department of Civil and Environmental...

How do pitchers use scientific principles to create different pitches and gain an advantage in the game?


This article explains how the different pitches thrown by pitchers in baseball are driven by scientific principles, such as Bernoulli’s Law, and discusses their impact on the game. It explores the complexity of pitching and the different characteristics of different pitchers’ changeups, emphasising that baseball is a scientifically complex sport.   From a young age, I had a keen...

How did social media start, what are the differences between the different platforms, and what are the implications for modern society?


Social media accounts for a significant proportion of internet time, and platforms such as WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and others allow us to build wider networks and facilitate communication between individuals. However, indiscriminate use comes with the risk of wasting time and invading privacy.   According to statistics, internet users spend an average of 4.6 hours a week on social...

Why did the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia fail when Warsaw Pact forces invaded, and how did normalization and the dissident movement develop?


The Prague Spring reform movement in Czechoslovakia in 1968 was thwarted by the Soviet-led invasion of Warsaw Pact forces, and the Husak regime subsequently suppressed reforms through normalization. Dissident movements continued, and the Charter of 77 laid the groundwork for the democratization movement.   The Prague Spring was a reform movement in Czechoslovakia in 1968, during which the...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!