Did you know that the materials we use every day make a difference in our lives?


This course explains how materials engineering has influenced the development of human civilization and our daily lives, and highlights the importance of a wide variety of materials, including metals, electronics, bio, ceramics, and more. Introduce the different fields of materials engineering and how the discipline aims to develop materials with better performance and efficiency.


When many people meet university students and ask about things they are curious about, they often ask about the university and the department they are majoring in. After I entered the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University, I was asked this question a lot when I met other people, and I answered, “I go to the School of Materials Science and Engineering.” At this time, most people didn’t know what kind of department it was, so they mostly responded with “What do you study?”, but others, especially when I tutored, responded with “Do you mean something about cooking ingredients?”. Of course, some people said it in a joking tone, but there were quite a few students who were really serious. As such, the department of ‘Materials Science and Engineering’ is unfamiliar to many people. However, I would like to introduce my major by letting you know that the field of study in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering is not something that is far away, but something that is close to our surroundings that we are not aware of.
When we classify prehistoric periods in human history, we divide them into the Stone Age (Paleolithic, Neolithic), Bronze Age, and Iron Age according to the materials that make up the tools used by people at that time. The reason for this classification is that the development of civilization is measured by the materials of the tools. In other words, the development of the materials used by humans affects the development of civilization, and materials occupy an important place in human history. For example, bronze alloys from the Bronze Age dramatically improved the quality of warfare and agricultural tools of the time, and modern materials science has led to innovations in semiconductors, high-strength lightweight alloys, nanomaterials, and more.
Let’s take a look at a real-world example: the car you drive around in is made up of many different elements: the body on the outside, the engine and exhaust on the inside. If we were to use a material that is lighter and more resistant to external impacts, such as the current steel used in the body of a car, or a material that is lighter and more resistant to the heat generated by the piston movement in the engine, we would have cars that are lighter in weight, more fuel efficient, and more durable. Thanks to advances in materials science, many automakers are already using aluminum and carbon fiber composites instead of steel to produce lighter and more economical vehicles.
Another example is the TV, often referred to as the ‘idiot box’. These days, LCD and LED TVs are becoming more popular. LCD TVs have a long light emitter like a fluorescent lamp as the backlight, but LED TVs have been developed by using semiconductor devices called LEDs as the light source, allowing for a clearer picture and lower power consumption. More recently, TVs with organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology have emerged, offering thinner, more flexible displays and providing another example of how materials science has contributed to the advancement of electronics. These innovations aren’t just improving the viewing experience for consumers; they’re also making important advances in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Hospitals also use biomaterials, such as artificial hearts and artificial blood vessels, to treat illnesses when parts of our bodies become malfunctioning, allowing us to live longer and healthier lives. We can’t overlook the importance of materials for the biomaterials used, and in recent years, 3D printing technology has been combined with biomaterials to create customized artificial organs and implants. This makes it possible to provide medical solutions that are optimized for an individual’s physical characteristics and makes us excited to see what future innovations materials science can bring to the medical field.
In addition to the metals, electronics, and biomaterials mentioned here, inorganic materials such as glass, ceramics such as glass, and polymeric materials known as so-called plastics, materials are advancing our civilization in a variety of fields, and we learn about all of these “materials” in the Department of Materials Engineering.
In general, there are several properties of materials that are studied in materials engineering: mechanical properties, such as how easily a material breaks, stretches, or deforms; thermal properties, such as how much heat it can withstand or deform; and electromagnetic properties, which are manifested by electric and magnetic forces. These properties are influenced by the microstructure of the material and the processing method, and the relationship between these three can be used to create materials with better performance. Therefore, as the English expression of the Department of Materials Science & Engineering is ‘Material Science & Engineering’, you will study not only the engineering aspect of ‘industrial application’ but also the basic science of ‘science’ to improve your understanding of the aforementioned areas. This is very helpful in developing practical problem-solving skills beyond just theoretical knowledge.
In the undergraduate program, you will learn the basic science and engineering aspects of the various fields mentioned above, and when you go to graduate school, you will learn and research in-depth about the specific materials field of your choice. As I am about to graduate in a year’s time, I have a lot of questions about what I want to do, but I would like to study electronic materials such as LEDs and semiconductors in more depth and become a person who can contribute to the industry in Korea. I would also like to explore more deeply how the development of materials science can contribute to the creation of social and economic value based on the various knowledge I have learned in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. This is the end of my major introduction, although it was insufficient in many ways.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!