How do chemical engineers design optimal processes and maximise company profits?



This article covers the roles and responsibilities of chemical engineers in the plant industry and explains how they maximise company profits through process design and optimisation. It also discusses the importance of adopting the latest technologies to ensure environmental sustainability.


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

If you were to draw a mind map with the word chemical engineering, what would the map look like? Refineries, chemical plants, petrochemicals, polymers, etc. would probably fill the picture. When we think of chemical engineering, we usually think of the process of refining imported crude oil to produce diesel, kerosene, gasoline, naphtha, etc. and the process of using naphtha from crude oil refining to produce plastic polymer products. However, the words plant design and the complex processes involved in producing these products may not come easily to mind.


What is the plant industry and why is it important?

The plant industry is an industry that provides equipment or builds plants to produce various products such as electricity, oil, gas, fresh water, etc. Chemical engineering is the study of not only the production of products, but also how to organise the processes and plants to produce these products in the most efficient and profitable way. Plant design aims to reduce costs and achieve high productivity through optimised processes.


Maximising profits and minimising costs

One of the most important values in engineering is profit. Making the most profit at the lowest possible cost is one of the biggest goals of any company when it comes to producing a product. Chemical engineers study and review the feasibility, financing, design, procurement, construction, and commissioning of a project in order to optimise this process. For example, if Company A wants to build a plant to produce a certain product, but does not have the capacity to design and build such a facility in-house, Company B, which specialises in this field, will build the plant for them.
This process can range from day-to-day factory construction to huge cross-border projects. For example, in 2009, the South Korean government of Lee Myung-bak and a consortium of Korean power companies won a $20 billion nuclear power plant from the UAE. The project involved the UAE paying a Korean company $20 billion to build a nuclear power plant in return. In such large-scale projects, cost reduction and profit maximisation are crucial, and the expertise of chemical engineers is essential in this process.


The components of the plant and the design process

The components that make up a plant can be likened to Lego pieces. Reactors used to carry out chemical reactions, heat exchangers for cooling or heating, pumps to move fluids using pressure, valves to regulate the amount and pressure of fluids, and many other units are the result of a combination of mechanical, electrical, and architectural engineering elements. Chemical engineers are responsible for deciding which of these LEGO pieces to choose and how to assemble them, as well as designing the chemical reactions that will take place in the finished block.
The number of cases in which the type of LEGO pieces and the order in which they are placed are countless. The key role of a chemical engineer is to identify and design the combinations that will allow for optimal production from these endless possibilities. For example, the efficiency and cost structure of a plant can vary significantly depending on which reactors and heat exchangers are used to produce the same product.


The need for optimisation and the role of the chemical engineer

When it comes to plant design, it’s not just about producing a product. In addition to minimising the cost of the raw materials and energy used to produce the product, optimising the layout and configuration of the reactors, heat exchangers, pumps and valves that make up the plant is essential to maximising profitability. For example, optimising the design of a heat exchanger to increase energy efficiency or improving the way catalysts are utilised within a reactor can dramatically reduce production costs and maximise profit margins.
With such large-scale and costly undertakings, chemical engineers are required to have a high level of expertise in the design process, as well as the responsibility and problem-solving skills to address unforeseen issues as they arise. For example, large plants, such as nuclear power plants, operate for decades, so even small errors in the initial design can lead to major economic losses.


Plant operation and sustainable development

Another important factor in the process of designing and operating a plant is environmental sustainability. In recent years, there has been an increasing emphasis on designing plants not just to maximise profits, but also to protect the environment and aim for sustainable development. As such, chemical engineers must find technical solutions to minimise energy consumption, reduce waste, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the process.
For example, many companies have recently adopted various technologies to reduce carbon emissions. Examples include carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies that capture and store carbon dioxide from plants, process designs that utilise renewable energy, and circulation systems that reduce water consumption. By implementing these technologies effectively, companies can realise long-term cost savings and sustainable operations.



Chemical engineers are more than just technicians who produce products; they play an important role in maximising corporate profits through optimal processes and design, and in achieving sustainable development. Their expertise and responsibility in plant design and operation is essential, enabling companies to realise more efficient and economical production. The role of chemical engineers will become increasingly important in the future, and the innovative designs and technologies they create will have a positive impact on our industries and the environment.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!