How do firecrackers come in different colors and shapes, and what determines the loudness and type of sound they make?


Learn how fireworks are constructed and how they work, what determines their color and shape, and how the loudness and type of sound is determined. We’ll look at the factors that determine the visual and auditory effects of fireworks, so you can understand how different fireworks shows are created.


Before we dive into fireworks shows, it’s important to understand how fireworks work. Fireworks are a unique invention that combines scientific principles and artistic elements that have developed throughout history. Its origins date back to ancient times in China, where it was used in the form of simple bamboo bombs to ward off evil spirits. Over time, gunpowder was invented, which led to a significant evolution in the structure and purpose of firecrackers.
Today’s firecrackers are basically a shell casing with a time fuse, break charge, and star inside. This complex internal structure is the key to creating beautiful and colorful fireworks in the sky. Once the lift charge is ignited and the firework ascends, the time fuse acts as a timer to detonate the firework at the desired height, igniting the break charge at the appropriate time. The break charge then ignites the star at the same time as it scatters, causing the firework to explode.
The reason firecrackers can take on so many different shapes has to do with the placement of the stars. Once the stars are arranged in the desired shape, the shape determines the shape of the firecracker. For example, if you want the firecracker to explode in a star shape, you can place the stars in a star shape inside the shell casing. You can also control the size of the firecracker by adjusting the amount of break charge that goes into the shell casing. If the amount of break charge is high, the force that pushes the star out will be much greater, and the size of the firework will be larger. On the other hand, if the amount of break charge is low, the pushing force will be weaker, resulting in a smaller firework.
The colorful appearance of fireworks is due to the different types of metals in the star. The reason why matter glows is related to the electrons it has. When an electron transitions from an electron shell with a higher number of protons to one with a lower number, it emits light equal to the difference in energy between the two shells. If the light emitted is in the visible wavelength range, we can observe it. However, different substances have different energy levels in their electron shells, so the wavelength of visible light emitted is different. Therefore, different substances emit different colors of light when they react with fireworks. In fireworks, strontium (Sr) compounds are used to produce red, sodium (Na) to produce yellow, and copper (Cu) to produce cyan. In addition, calcium (Ca) can be used to create orange, barium (Ba) to create green, and potassium (K) to create purple. By combining different metals, you can create different colors of firecrackers.
But why do we use metallic elements? It has to do with the wavelength of light they emit. Since the wavelengths of light emitted by non-metallic elements when they undergo electron transitions are not in the visible range, the presence of metallic elements alone will give you the desired color, regardless of the presence of non-metallic elements.
In addition to the visual aspect of fireworks, the aural aspect is also a big part of watching fireworks. There are many different sounds that firecrackers can make, such as a small explosion or a grand explosion. This is determined by the salute. A salute is a firecracker that goes off without producing a flame, and it’s a very simple device that consists of a black powder charge in a paper canister and a time fuse. Mixing finely ground titanium with a rapidly burning oxidizer creates a powder called flash powder. This powder acts as a rapid amplifier of heat and pressure.
At 0 degrees Celsius, sound travels at 331 m/s. In air, the speed of sound waves increases by 0.6 m/s for every 1 degree Celsius increase in temperature. Sound waves are also small waves (longitudinal waves) that travel through air particles. An acoustic wave is a wave in which the direction of vibration of the medium through which the wave is traveling is consistent with the direction of the wave. When sound waves are transmitted as small waves, there are places where the medium is denser and places where it is less dense. Therefore, the pressure increases in places where the air particles are denser, and the pressure decreases in places where the air particles are less dense. The magnitude of this pressure change is called sound pressure, and a large sound pressure is loud.
In other words, the higher temperature of the flash powder allows the sound of the firecracker to travel farther and faster, and the higher pressure increases the sound pressure, making the firecracker sound louder to people. In this way, the auditory aspect of fireworks is controlled by controlling the loudness of the sound. In addition to the loudness of the sound, aluminum (Al) in the firecrackers can be used to create the sound of burning, and holes can be drilled to create the sound of whistling. These are some of the ways that fireworks can be made to make different sounds when you watch them.
Finally, it’s important to think about the safety of fireworks. Fireworks can cause major accidents if used or stored incorrectly. Especially in large-scale fireworks shows, elaborate safety procedures and regulations are essential. Professionals who work with fireworks undergo rigorous training, and when organizing a fireworks show, the weather conditions, wind direction, and location of the audience must be thoroughly considered. When these safety measures are properly followed, we can safely enjoy the beauty of fireworks and their magnificent sound.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!