How much can regular dental checkups and proper dental care protect your health before cavities become severe?


Tooth decay can be hard to recognize because the early symptoms are subtle, but if left untreated, it can lead to serious toothaches and health problems. It’s important to practice good dental care and regular dental checkups to prevent cavities and treat them early.


We’ve all been to the dentist at some point in our lives. The reason for this is probably tooth decay. Many of us have seen the dentist as a child, crying because of rotting teeth that we didn’t brush properly, and many of us have experienced this as adults as well. Other times, we visit the dentist regularly as a preventative measure as a result of neglecting our dental health. Teeth are more than just a tool for chewing food; they have a huge impact on our pronunciation, facial appearance, and even our overall health, so the importance of taking care of them cannot be overstated. In this article, we’re going to guide you through the treatment of something that many of us have experienced and suffered from: tooth decay.
First, let’s take a look at what exactly a cavity is. Tooth decay occurs when the surface of the head of the tooth, called enamel, is damaged by acids from the breakdown of sugars, starches, etc. If the decay is confined to the enamel, it“s rarely painful, but if it goes beyond the dentin and reaches the pulp, it can be painful even without any stimulus, and painkillers won”t help. If left untreated, the decay will progress and the affected area will gradually become larger, so it’s important to consult a doctor as soon as possible to find the right treatment for you.
The initial symptoms of tooth decay can be very subtle and difficult to recognize. Often, patients don”t realize they have a cavity until they feel pain, which often leads to a delay in treatment. This is when regular dental checkups are essential to avoid more complicated and painful treatments. The reason why early action to prevent cavities is so important is that once a tooth is damaged, it doesn’t naturally repair itself. Once a cavity has formed, the priority is to stop it from spreading. Therefore, tooth decay treatment involves removing the decayed area and filling it with the appropriate dental material. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it”s important to be fully informed before deciding on a treatment.
First, amalgam fillings are an effective treatment that meets the standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), despite the safety concerns associated with mercury. It’s inexpensive, easy to perform, and requires no adhesive. However, the silver-gray color of amalgam doesn’t match the color of your teeth, making it unnatural, and it has a very long setting time of 24 hours, so you shouldn’t chew on the treated side for a day after treatment. Another disadvantage is that it requires more tooth shaving for retention than other materials.
Another treatment is resin fillings. In this procedure, a cross-section of the tooth is eroded with an acid that bonds it to the resin, which hardens completely during the treatment. They“re resistant to masticatory forces, so they don”t crumble, and because they”re small, they cause less tooth loss than amalgam, making them ideal for conservative treatment. They”re also aesthetically pleasing. However, they can discolor over time, so it”s best to avoid eating colored foods, such as coffee, chocolate, and curry. Also, the resin may shrink after treatment, which can cause pain.
Dental care is not only about physical treatment, but also about providing psychological reassurance. Many people are afraid of the dentist, not only because of the pain of the treatment process, but also because it causes anxiety in itself. Therefore, a gentle approach and sufficient explanations that take into account the patient’s psychological state are necessary to help them feel more comfortable. The glass ionomer cement procedure is mainly used for periapical abrasion. Also known as periapical abrasion, this is a condition in which the gums recede at the root of the tooth and wear away at the exposed tooth surface, exposing the dentin within the cementum. Unlike resin, there’s no need to acid-corrode the tooth. The material only hardens completely after 24 hours, and its low strength makes it weak and brittle, but it looks natural and is less irritating to the pulp. It also releases fluoride, which can prevent secondary cavities in patients who are prone to tooth decay.
The previous fillings we’ve mentioned are relatively small and are used to fill a small area of the tooth. On the other hand, inlays are used in cases where the tooth is so severe that it needs to be completely replaced. Inlays are laboratory-made inlays that are bonded to the tooth with dental cement. Unlike other procedures, inlays require two appointments: one to make a mold of your tooth and one to place the molded inlay. In between these two visits, you’ll have a temporary filling, which you’ll need to be careful not to dislodge due to sticky foods. There is also a chance that it will fall out after the procedure. Inlays can be divided into three main types depending on the filling material: gold inlays are the most similar in physical composition to the tooth and require less tooth removal. They also don’t chip, but they’re not as aesthetically pleasing because they don’t match the color of your teeth. Resin inlays are aesthetically pleasing, but are more prone to damage and discoloration than gold inlays. Finally, ceramic inlays are also very aesthetic. However, they”re stronger than tooth enamel, which can cause wear and tear on the interlocking teeth.
Cavities don”t heal naturally. Of course, if you brush and floss more often after a cavity has formed, you may be able to stop the progression of the cavity, which is called arrested decay. However, you won’t be able to return to your original tooth. Therefore, it”s best to try to prevent cavities in the first place. Prevention is the most effective way to maintain dental health, and it requires constant care. In addition to brushing and flossing, your diet also plays an important role in preventing cavities. Avoid frequent consumption of sugar or sugary drinks, as this can lead to cavities. It”s also a good idea to have regular dental checkups and cleanings. It”s important to pay attention to the state of your teeth and, if you have an advanced case of decay, consult your doctor to get the right treatment based on your health, the cause of the decay, and the degree of progression. Toothaches can be very stressful, not only because they prevent you from eating the foods you want to eat, but also because they interfere with your daily routine. Preventing tooth decay in the first place and getting the right treatment as soon as possible will help you maintain your dental health and improve your quality of life.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!