Humanity is being lost in the modern world, how can we regain true humanity?


Modern society is losing its humanity amidst material convenience and technological advancement. “Goethe’s ideas emphasize the dignity and nobility of human beings and suggest ways to change society and restore humanity.


There are many great thinkers in human history. They transcend time and society to explore the essence of humanity and provide wisdom for future generations to see and solve real-life problems from a new perspective. Among them are philosophers, politicians, and writers, whose ideas still have a powerful impact today. The German poet and thinker Goethe holds a special place among these great thinkers. He was more than just a poet who created literary works; he sought “true humanity” through philosophical depth and social insight.
“Goethe’s ideas remain an unquenchable flame for us today. His ideas contain deep reflections on the future of humanity, and they are timeless and still relevant to modern society because they provide insights into issues related to the nature of humanity. Goethe explored the inner life of human beings, pondered the nature of humanity, and emphasized the importance of “true humanity”.
“Goethe was a man with many different elements in his mental world. Few people possessed Goethe’s sharp judgment, rich imagination, and sensitive sensitivity. But his fascination lies in the fact that these qualities were acquired through his own efforts and exploration, rather than being innate. He was a man who spent his entire life trying to make himself complete. He was a poet, a natural scientist, a thinker, and a politician, but he wanted to be a human being first and foremost. This is a consistent theme throughout his work and thought.
His concept of “true humanity” reflects this life goal. In this context, a human being is someone who is constantly striving, never settling for anything less than the best, while at the same time remaining virtuous, good, and compassionate in any situation. Underlying this is the sincerity of a person who constantly reflects on his or her inner world and builds his or her true self. Goethe regarded humanity, with all these qualities, as a state similar to nature. Just as nature develops in harmony and balance according to its own laws, he believed that humans should achieve inner harmony through constant self-reflection.
Listening to Goethe’s voice emphasizing ‘true humanity’, we question whether individuals can freely realize their humanity even in the harshness of modern society. In many ways, modern humans are becoming unnatural. As we move further and further away from nature, the source of our humanity, we are more and more attached to external values such as material things and ideologies rather than striving to create our true selves. As a result, we often witness violence and murder committed by distorted humanity. When we see people swept away by their desires, forgetting the nobility that is fundamentally endowed to human beings, we are reminded of the demon Mephistopheles smiling in the darkness.
On the other hand, the demand for “true humanity” also creates a conflict between the individual and the collective. “Goethe believed that the goal of human beings is to reach the universal through their individuality and dignity. In other words, he granted the same rights to individuals that come from the source of nature as nature, but he was less interested in the intermediate stage that exists between the individual and the source. Thus, when Napoleon occupied Goethe’s homeland of Germany, he was not as enthusiastic as Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Of course, he wanted his people’s freedom and felt a deep affection for his country, but it was the idea of humanity that captivated him even more. In this sense, it can be said that Goethe valued the dignity of the individual more than the collective.
In this context, we need to reflect on how individual dignity is being undermined in modern society. “The questions raised by Goethe’s ideas are not just a matter of the past, but remain relevant today. We are in danger of losing our humanity in the midst of technological advances and material abundance. When individual dignity and freedom are sacrificed to collective goals or interests, humanity loses its essence. Therefore, we should look to Goethe’s ideas to reflect on the problems of modern society and consider how humanity can be restored.
“Today, long after Goethe’s death, we rediscover his meaning: he did not breathe modern air, but he is giving us advice from a very modern perspective. In order to end the terrifying drama that is now unfolding, we must all work together to pursue “true humanity”. In a world where spiritual nobility is so readily sacrificed for material convenience, and where individual purity is so readily abandoned for collective ends, we must strive to live as human beings with souls of our own. In this sense, Goethe’s cry for pure and noble humanity is a world-historical call to heal today’s grave malady of the loss of respect for the human person.
The dehumanization of modern society can be overcome if all people do not lose their fundamental loving and compassionate hearts and practice “true humanity” in their actions. In the process, we will be able to remind ourselves of the dignity and nobility of human beings as suggested by Goethe’s ideas and contribute to building a better society. In order to solve the many problems faced by modern society, it is necessary to change society as a whole, along with individual introspection, which is one of the reasons why Goethe’s ideas are still relevant today.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!