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Can humans survive in the modern world without social bonds, or are they still essential?


Humans have historically been social animals, and the need for bonding still exists in the modern world. Even though social bonds may seem less important than in the past, living in isolation has a negative impact on survival, and they will be essential in the future.   Humans are social animals. This was stated by Aristotle, and it means that we cannot exist without society, and that even...

Is proton therapy really a safer and more effective solution than conventional cancer treatments?


There are three main methods of treating cancer: surgery, drugs, and radiation therapy, and radiation therapy uses the difference in repair rates between normal cells and cancer cells to destroy cancer cells. Proton therapy, which minimizes the impact on normal cells and targets cancer cells more precisely than radiation therapy, has been attracting attention as the most effective and safe...

Is the feeling of love just a simple hormonal reaction, or is it a miracle with a special meaning, like fate?


This article addresses the question of whether love can be explained scientifically. It concludes that while feelings of love seem to be hormonally driven and change, their scope and duration varies from person to person, and that it is difficult to explain love completely with science.   It’s spring with cherry blossoms. For men and women without friends of the opposite sex, it may be...

The dangers of privacy breaches and invasions of privacy, and how free are we in a surveillance society?


The cases of illegal surveillance in university communities and by the government show the seriousness of privacy breaches and invasion of privacy. The proliferation of CCTV has been introduced in the name of crime prevention, but it can be a violation of personal freedom. We need to be vigilant about the need for privacy and the transformation into a surveillance society.   The atmosphere...

Why do people easily get into arguments with strangers on social media, and how can we resolve the confusion between the private and public spheres?


The boundaries between the private and public spheres are blurred on social media, leading to people invading the private space of others, which often leads to disputes online. These conflicts are often unintentional and can be reduced when social media users recognize and respect boundaries.   How is it possible to get into an argument with people you’ve never met? I got to thinking...

When did we become so surrounded by convenience that we forgot the joy of making and experiencing things by hand?


This article emphasizes the value of the experience of making things with your own hands in a modern world full of fast-consuming, ready-made products. In particular, the process of building a house has taught me the value of manual labor, the sense of accomplishment that comes with it, and a more mature outlook on life.   Nowadays, we seem to be surrounded by so many finished products. From...

The development of the automobile has brought convenience and economic benefits, but what about environmental pollution and energy?


  Automobiles have revolutionized human mobility and contributed to economic and social development, but they have also caused problems such as environmental pollution, traffic accidents, and energy depletion. In order to reduce these negative impacts, it will be important to develop eco-friendly technologies such as electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and hydrogen vehicles, as well as...

In the Digital Age, Are Paper Documents Really Dead and Analog Feelings Forgotten?


Despite the fact that digital devices have made electronic documents commonplace, paper still has an important place in our lives. The analog feel and memory that only paper can provide gives people a special experience, and it continues to be valuable even in the digital age.   Walking into a cafe on a nice fall day, the scene is quite different from what it used to be. Instead of books...

How can travel stories open up conversations with strangers and give them the opportunity to share precious memories?


Conversations with strangers can be difficult, but travel stories can soften the blow. Based on my experience traveling to Egypt, I reflected on the grandeur and mystery of ancient civilization sites like the pyramids, the people I met along the way, and the precious memories I made along the way, reminding me of the inspiration of travel and the meaning of life.   Conversations with...

Is it okay to become desensitized to the presence of surveillance cameras in our daily lives?


Just like the controversial introduction of video-reading technology in sporting events, surveillance cameras are becoming more common in our daily lives. However, people are becoming desensitized to this surveillance and tend to overlook the importance of privacy.   In sports, whether it’s baseball, handball, swimming, or any other sport, athletes compete fiercely and try their best...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!