Sample thank you greetings for different situations



A collection of sample thank you greetings for a variety of situations. These examples can be used in a variety of situations, from formal occasions to personal expressions of gratitude. Take a cue from each situation to craft a greeting that conveys your sincere appreciation.


Thank you for being recognised as a GCF host country at COP18

Honourable COP18 President Al-Attiyah, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, distinguished delegates, including ministers and deputy ministers, ladies and gentlemen!
It is a great honour for me to be able to speak at this meeting, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Government of the State of Qatar and all those involved for giving me this opportunity. I would like to pay tribute to the Government of Qatar for its efforts in successfully hosting this COP18 meeting and congratulate them on the preparations and hard work that have come to fruition through this meeting.
On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Korea, I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who voted at this meeting to confirm the Republic of Korea as a host country for the Global Climate Fund (GCF). Special thanks go to the representatives of the Executive Board and alternate Executive Board members who made this important decision, and our gratitude for your trust and support is even greater. I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the representatives of Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Namibia, and Mexico for their good faith competition to host the GCF. This opportunity has once again demonstrated the international community’s willingness to work together for sustainable development and the fight against climate change.
As UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said, climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, and developing countries, which are particularly vulnerable to climate change, will feel the impact even more acutely. Financial support is essential to help these countries move forward on the path to low-carbon, green growth. The GCF will be an important platform to effectively support their efforts and transformation, and Korea is very proud to be the host country of this important organisation. Going forward, Korea will provide essential support for the GCF to fulfil its important international role.
The Government of Korea will work closely with the GCF Interim Secretariat to complete the legal and administrative arrangements as soon as possible. We will do our utmost to ensure that the GCF is firmly established in Korea and can fulfil its mandate smoothly. In particular, we will support the relocation of the GCF Secretariat and staff to Korea, and are committed to providing relevant infrastructure and facilities in a timely manner. I am also pleased to announce that the GCF’s headquarters building will be available for occupancy from February next year.
However, the cooperation of the international community is essential for the successful launch of the GCF, especially as the financial foundation of the GCF is not yet fully in place, and we need the continued interest and co-operation of governments. The Korean government will continue to fulfil its pledge to support the operational costs of the GCF, and will actively participate in financial support for capacity building in developing countries. We will also explore ways to provide additional financial support through cooperation with other countries, and will play our necessary role.
Korea is the only country in the world that has made the transition from being the poorest country in the world to being a donor country, and our experience in socio-economic development is an important example for many developing countries. In particular, our know-how in reconciling economic growth and environmental protection can be of great help to developing countries in their green growth. We are ready to share this knowledge and experience, and we will listen to their views, so that we can help them effectively respond to climate change and contribute to strengthening international cooperation.
The Korean government has already adopted low-carbon green growth as its national vision and deeply recognises the importance of international cooperation to realise it. As such, Korea continues to expand its Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the green sector, and a portion of this funding will also be used to support the operations of the GCF. In addition, Korea is actively supporting developing countries in formulating green growth strategies and implementing projects through the recently launched Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and the Green Technology Centre (GTC-K). I look forward to the GCF working with these two organisations to find more effective ways to address climate change.
Honourable delegates,
Today we have taken an important step forward in addressing one of the greatest challenges facing the international community: climate change. The establishment of the GCF is a great achievement in itself, but its successful operation and effective response to climate change will require further cooperation and support. The Government of the Republic of Korea will fulfil its responsibilities as the host country of the GCF and will make every effort to ensure that the GCF plays a central role in the fight against climate change. I sincerely look forward to working together to ensure the successful operation of the GCF as soon as possible, and I hope that the international community will work together to respond to climate change.
Thank you once again for your continued interest and co-operation, and I would like to express my deepest gratitude to everyone in this room. With gratitude.



Season’s Greetings from the Family Representative

Today we are here to celebrate my mother’s ○○th birthday, and I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of our family and friends for taking the time to join us, especially her friends and relatives who have travelled a long way to be here today.
November ○, a day we will never forget. My mother loves the month of November. She shared with me the deep meaning of November, the month that brings together the warmth of autumn and the coldness of winter. I’m not a big fan of winter, so I’ve never been a big fan of November, the month that leads into winter, either. If it weren’t for my mother’s birthday, I might still be.
But now November is a special month for me because it’s my mum’s birthday, and I look forward to it every year with gratitude. Because without her, I wouldn’t be here, and my family wouldn’t be here.
When I was younger, I didn’t know any better. I think I lived in my own little bubble and didn’t really think about how I came into the world or how I got to be the way I am. My mother’s presence was always big and obvious, but I never really realised the magnitude of it. But as time went on and I became a parent myself, I slowly realised how big and heavy the role of a parent is, and how deep and sacrificial that love is.
I realise now that I didn’t do enough to celebrate my mum’s birthday when I was younger, so in recent years I’ve been trying to be more intentional about it. Today is one of those small efforts.
In fact, I think we all have the same desire to honour our parents and be filial to them, and my brother and sister have always had the same desire to honour our parents and be filial to them, but we haven’t been able to visit them very often in our busy lives, so I hope that today we can gather as a family and make our mother really happy and have a great time.
Confucius once said, ‘There are 3,000 sins in the world, but the greatest of them is disloyalty.’ I think this is because treating our parents well is the foundation of family and society, and based on that, we can do good things for our neighbours, society, and even the country. Today, we are reminded of this teaching and pledge to honour our parents and uphold brotherly love.
Our mothers and fathers want their children to help each other, to be healthy and happy, and to be useful to society and the country. We, too, will not forget their wishes and will work hard to live up to their expectations. We will strive to live a life of friendship among our siblings, sharing with our neighbours and living together.
I hope that this gathering of mothers, fathers, and children will make our parents feel secure. I hope you can enjoy this day with peace of mind and live a long and healthy life with your children.
In closing, I’d like to thank you all again for joining us today and wish my mum a very happy birthday.
Happy birthday, mum, and may you live a long and healthy life. Thank you.



Wedding bride’s thank you

Hello, I’m the bride ○○○.
Thank you so much for attending our wedding today. We are deeply grateful to each and every one of you, our family and friends, and our dear colleagues and friends, for taking time out of your busy schedules to come and congratulate us.
After consulting with both of our parents, we chose to have an officiant-less wedding. The absence of an officiant allows us to communicate our feelings and commitments more directly, which makes today’s ceremony even more special. As we have been planning our wedding, we have felt guilty for not being able to reach out to our family, friends, and loved ones as often as we should have, especially our close family members. We would like to take this opportunity to express our belated gratitude.
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my adoptive parents for graciously allowing me to have a wedding without officiating. Their love and support has made this day a very happy and meaningful one, and we will continue to build a respectful and caring family by emulating the love they have shown us.
I would also like to express my special thanks and love to my husband, if it wasn’t for him, I would probably still be alone for the rest of my life. I will always be grateful to him for understanding me, for being my life partner to walk through life with, and I promise to do better in the future. Preparing for our marriage has made me realise how caring and attentive my husband is, and I will spend the rest of my life repaying him for making me stand in this position.
I don’t think I can be a perfect daughter-in-law, daughter, or wife, but I can do my best to be a daughter-like daughter and a friend-like wife, just like I always promised myself. Here’s the first thing I promised my husband when he asked me to marry him. I heard later that my mother-in-law was very happy to hear this promise, and I will always keep it and try to be a beloved daughter-in-law.
And to my parents, who must be feeling sad about giving their daughter away in marriage, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for raising me so well, even though I was a very inadequate daughter. I’m sorry that I didn’t grow up until I got married, but I’m also determined to do better. In the future, my husband and I will be more filial to our parents and repay them for their good upbringing.
I would like to take this opportunity to tell my in-laws, my parents, and my husband that I love them from the bottom of my heart.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has come to celebrate our marriage today. You have made this day even happier and more unforgettable, and we, the two of us, promise you that we will always cherish, love, and be true to each other.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.



Thank you from the bride and groom

Hello, I’m the mother of the groom, Mr ○○○.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for joining us here today. A special thank you to the extended family, friends, and colleagues of the bride and groom who have travelled from far and wide. Your warm blessings and support make this day even more special and meaningful.
Weddings are so fast-paced these days that we don’t often get a chance to say thank you properly, and I’m so glad we have this opportunity to do so. Today is a special day not only for my family, but for the bride and groom’s families as well. For me personally, as a mum, it’s a particularly emotional moment. It seems like just yesterday that he was born, and it’s so exciting to see him grow up, find a wonderful mate, and become the head of a family.
From the first time I laid eyes on my bride, I knew she was a sweetheart and a beautiful child. Over the course of our long relationship, she has grown close to our family and has always impressed us with her cheerful and caring nature. As parents, we feel so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law, and we are so grateful to the in-laws for sending such a wonderful daughter into our family.
Our groom is also a warm-hearted and responsible boy, who will make a great son-in-law. We don’t think of the in-laws as a hard line, and we hope to see each other often and stay close, so please feel free to contact us anytime.
The bride and groom have made a promise in front of you today to spend the rest of their lives together. In the future, they will cherish and love each other and grow together. Of course, there will be difficult moments in life, but I sincerely hope that they will be able to rely on each other and get through them together. I believe they will be a great support to each other.
Now they are starting a family and a new beginning. After being protected by their parents, they will now be each other’s guardians and live responsibly. I believe that when a family is harmonious, everything in that family goes well. I am confident that if we live with a caring and compromising heart, we will be able to overcome any difficulties.
Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the guests who are here today. I hope you will forgive us for any shortcomings and enjoy the reception we have prepared for you and celebrate this day to the fullest. May your homes be filled with happiness and good health.
With gratitude.



Thank you from the bride

Hello, I’m the bride ○○○.
I know it wasn’t easy for you to come here today because of the bad weather, so I really appreciate you taking the extra step. There’s a saying that if it rains on your wedding day, you’re in good hands, and we sincerely hope that today’s rain is a good omen for us.
As I’ve been sending out invitations and sharing the news of our wedding, I’ve also been reflecting on whether I’ve been too neglectful of the people in my life, using busyness as an excuse. Some of you I haven’t been able to contact as often as I’d like due to my busyness, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten how important you are in my life. Nevertheless, I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you all congratulated me with such warmth and took the time to be with me today. Thank you is not enough, but I want to make sure you know how much I appreciate it.
I’d also like to thank the relatives who travelled from far away to be here. I’ll be with my groom in a few minutes to meet and greet them.
My groom and I met as college classmates and have been together for a very long time. We were involved in extracurricular activities together during our school days and have many good memories, and after graduation, we have been supporting each other in our separate social lives. Throughout our time together, he’s always been there for me in good times and bad, and he’s always been a trusted advisor and guide whenever I’m struggling or worried about getting lost, so it’s only natural that I would want to spend the rest of my life with him.
Although there was passionate love in the beginning of our relationship, over time we have built a stronger relationship based on deeper trust, friendship and loyalty, so the decision to get married came naturally to us, and we have no doubt that we will spend the rest of our lives together as each other’s best friends. We are both very excited about our marriage, and we hope that we will continue to be friends, family and life partners to each other as we have always been.
To my mum and dad, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for caring and loving me so much. With your warm hearts, I will be a daughter-in-law who will try harder, be more careful, and reciprocate. I know I have a lot to learn, but I hope you will be patient with me and teach me a lot in the future.
Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude and love to my parents who have raised me with love to be where I am today. Especially my father, I know that I have always grown up with high expectations from you. I will live up to those expectations and work harder in the future. I will always try my best to be a proud daughter of you and my mother even after I get married. I love you.
And to all of our guests, thank you again for blessing our marriage today. We ask for your warm support and encouragement to help us build a beautiful family, and we promise once again before you that we will cherish and love each other, and spend the rest of our lives together with sincere hearts.
Yours sincerely.



Thank you from the mother of the bride and groom

hello. I am the mother of the groom, Mr ○○○, and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for joining us on this special day. From family, friends, and relatives to friends and colleagues of the bride and groom, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedules to join us today. The warmth of each and every one of you is what makes this day so special.
I’m a little nervous and overwhelmed to be greeting you in person, as this is an officiant-less wedding. As a mother and mother-in-law, my heart is filled with so many mixed emotions today. Seeing my son, all grown up and dressed in a tuxedo, standing side-by-side with his bride-to-be, is a mixture of so many emotions. It feels like only yesterday I was holding his tiny hand as I walked him to school, and now he’s all grown up and a responsible husband, and it’s both emotional and gratifying.
I’ll let the bride and groom speak for themselves today, but I just want to say that our bride is so sweet and beautiful, and I’ve been impressed with how lovely she is since the first time I met her, and we are so happy to welcome such a bright and sincere person into our family. We would like to thank her in-laws once again for sending such a beautiful and lovely daughter into our family. We are sure that her good nature and warm heart will be a great strength to our son.
I hope that my in-laws will think that they have a strong son now, and that they will love our son a lot. I have always wanted to raise a daughter, and I am very happy that my dream has come true thanks to this lovely new daughter. I haven’t expressed it often because of my blunt nature, but I want the bride to know that we have a lot of love and affection for her from all of our family.
Today, in front of you, and in front of your parents, you have taken your first steps as a real couple, and I know that the road you will walk together, relying on and loving each other, will never be easy. There will be challenges, and there will be times when you will be torn apart by your differences, but I hope that whenever you do, you will remember the promises and commitments you made to each other here today. As long as we live our lives with care and consideration for one another, we will be able to overcome any challenges.
As you are also here today, I would appreciate your prayers and support for the bride and groom, wishing them all the happiness and blessings in their future. In conclusion, I would like to thank all the guests for being here today and blessing the couple, and ask for your continued love and support. Thank you.



Wedding presenter thank you

Good afternoon, everyone.
I would like to thank you all for coming today to celebrate the marriage of Mr ○○○ and Miss ○○○.
I’m ○○○, an old friend of the bride. When the bride asked me to give a speech as a wedding gift, I was actually quite embarrassed, but I thought that if I could give her something meaningful as her best friend, there could be no better gift than this, so I think it’s a great honour for me to stand in front of you today and a chance to thank her.
The bride and I have been friends since childhood. The first time we met was at a junior high school all-school executive meeting, and I remember kicking her out of the room for talking too loudly. I can’t believe that was ten years ago, time seems to fly by. Today, when I see the bride standing at the altar in this beautiful dress, it feels like time has flown by.
The bride is a very special friend to me simply because of the fact that we grew up together. We both grew up as only children, so we’ve become like family to each other. We’ve shared each other’s joys and sorrows, we’ve grown up together, we’ve asked each other for advice whenever we’ve made important decisions, and sometimes we’ve just been there for each other.
When my bride decided to get married, I was curious and asked her. She told me that the conviction that ‘this is the one’ came naturally from her heart. When I heard that, I was convinced that this marriage was the best choice for her.
The bride is a very important person in my life. As a friend, she is someone who has always been by my side, supporting me and pushing me in a more positive direction, and it’s very touching to know that she is now about to start a new life with the love of her life. Seeing her standing there looking so beautiful today, I couldn’t be more proud and happy for her.
Did I mention that you look beautiful today? I think the groom standing next to you makes you look even more radiant. You’ve always lived your life with the right and firm standards, and I’m sure your chosen one will too, and I have no doubt that being with you will bring him great happiness.
In that sense, I think the groom is very lucky to have you! My friend is so precious to me, and from tomorrow you will start a new life as one man’s wife, and I have faith that you will live happily ever after, because I am always sure of what my friend does.
Be a good wife and show me often how happy you are, because I will always support you. And today’s marriage, once again, congratulations from the bottom of my heart.



Kendo Club 13th Anniversary Season’s Greetings from the President

○○Greetings, fellow Kendo Kwan members.
It’s May, the month of green dreams, and it’s also the time of year when our children are more prominent along with the fresh greenery. Every time I see my children, I feel that they are growing so fast, and I think many of you will be encouraged today by thinking of our beautiful children, who are growing in height and dreams. It gives us great pleasure to watch your children grow in physical and mental strength and prepare for a better tomorrow.
May is Family Month, which means it’s time to take care of those closest to you. When you think about it, there’s nothing more important than family, and it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of making ends meet and neglect them, but when times get tough and difficult, it’s important to stick together as a family. No matter how difficult the economy is and the rising cost of living can make your back spin, you can’t afford to cut back on investing in your children’s future, and our kendo teachers are committed to helping them grow and develop.
We sincerely thank you for entrusting us with your children. It’s exciting to think that our prestigious and traditional kendo club has already celebrated its 13th anniversary, and it’s hard to believe that we’ve been around for so long. Thanks to the unwavering support of our members, we’ve been able to become what we are today. Our classes are divided into adult, teenage, and children’s classes, and we provide customised training for each age group, including physical fitness training and self-defence skills to help them grow in mind and body through kendo training.
In particular, kendo is not just a martial art, but a sport that emphasises mental discipline and manners, and our martial arts instructors always teach children that it is as important to control their minds as it is to train their bodies. We believe that the manners and patience learnt through kendo will be a great asset to children in their daily lives, and parents will be rewarded when they see these lessons shine through in their children’s lives.
To celebrate our 13th anniversary, we are offering a special discount of 30 per cent on 3-monthly memberships with a small gift for new registrations until the end of this month. We know that taking care of your health is more valuable when you share it with your family and neighbours, so we hope you’ll take this opportunity to introduce them to us.
Johns Hopkins University Professor P.M. Forni had something special to say about what he thought was the most important thing to teach in education: ‘In teaching Dante’s Divine Comedy, I realised something new: it is more important to teach students to be kind people than to teach them about Dante.’ As he said, what is more important than the acquisition of knowledge or skills is to have a caring and respectful heart for others. Kendo also values the virtues of courtesy and consideration. I want you to always remember that no matter how good you are at kendo, if you don’t respect and care for others, you will never realise its true value.
Success can only be achieved by being considerate and dedicated to others. In a world where we live together, not alone, it would be impossible to live without good manners. Basically, I would like us to have the mindset that when dealing with people, we can please them and share a laugh with them. I often hear that when we teach manners to children, the instructors also get a valuable opportunity to reflect on themselves. We will continue to do our best to grow together with our members as we learn and grow in the process of teaching and learning.
We look forward to your continued interest and support. Thank you.



Thank you from the family representative

On behalf of my family, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you who attended and celebrated my father’s birthday today.
My father was born in difficult times and has lived a difficult and winding life. Even after meeting and marrying my mother as a young man, he has always worked tirelessly for the family, taking care of us four siblings. Nevertheless, it is thanks to his good teachings, along with my mother’s, that we have been able to grow up so well.
He always told us that we should live with integrity and with our hearts in every moment, and he did his best to be a strong family man in front of us. Even though many years have passed, we have never forgotten those lessons. He is still leading our family in good health today, and we are still living a stable life under the big tree of our father.
Today, on the occasion of my father’s reunion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my mother. If my father has been a strong pillar of support for us, my mum has always wrapped her arms around us and embraced us, and without her warmth and care, we would not have grown up as well as we have. She has always been devoted to her family, and I am grateful to see that she is now devoted to her religious activities.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the many other relatives and elders who have cared for us with deep affection and watched over our four siblings as they grew up.
We, the children, will do our best to honour our parents and be filial to them. It is with some embarrassment that I am finally able to express my gratitude to my parents on the occasion of my father’s reunion. Being the parent of a child has made me even more aware of my parents’ deep grace. I remember the times when I was younger and couldn’t fathom the breadth and depth of their hearts. I’m sorry for my immaturity, but from now on, I will do everything in my power to make my parents comfortable and happy.
Lastly, I’m happy to see that everyone is happy with this rather simple feast. I hope you enjoy the food and the conversation.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

About the blog owner

Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!