Sample thank you speech for affinity group president/alumni representative election



These thank you speech examples are for those who have been elected as an affinity group president or alumni association representative. If you’re preparing to give your first speech as a representative, you’ll find an appropriate and inspiring speech that will help you convey your feelings effectively.


Thank you speech for being elected alumni association secretary

Honorable President and fellow members, my name is ○○○ and I have been nominated to be your next Secretary. I am both remorseful and delighted that you have trusted me and nominated me as the secretary despite my shortcomings in many ways. I would like to take this opportunity to share my resolutions with you.
First of all, I will do my best to fulfill the duties that you have elected me to do, and I will act as your right-hand man so that you can lead our club well. I believe that the role of the secretary of an organization is to listen to each and every member. I will make sure to listen to each member’s opinions so that they don’t feel uncomfortable for even a moment, and I believe that only by doing so will we be able to see our club improve with each event, and make it a success. I will also actively strive for unity in the club, and I will be a club secretary who leads by example. I believe that the secretary of an organization should be the first to take the initiative to make you feel comfortable to participate. Based on this, I believe that the trust of each and every member must be gained so that the entire club can trust and unite with each other. Therefore, I will do my best to create an atmosphere where all members of our club can be united.
With the current diversifying society and unstable economic situation, people seem to be becoming more individualistic and altruistic, but I know how much our club members care for each other and how united they are. Based on this, I will make sure that the unity of our club will continue to grow stronger. Once again, I promise myself that I will participate in every little thing that I can do for the sake of your unity. And with the attitude of serving our club, I will serve as the hands and feet of the president and other members during the year that I will serve as secretary general. I ask for your active participation and guidance. Thank you.



Affinity group secretary election speech

Greetings to all the members of the ○○ club, I am the incoming secretary ○○○, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for believing in me and nominating me as secretary. It’s often said that the position of secretary of a club is a lot of work, but the role of the secretary is a big one, and I take it as a sign of your trust in me. I will do my best as secretary, and I will work with other club officers to help lead the club well.
Someone once said about the role of a secretary in an organization, “If you do a bad job, you get blamed; if you do a good job, you don’t get praised!” I’ll take that to mean that the role of a club secretary is enormous. It’s been said that a well-run club is only as good as its secretary. It’s also important to be frugal when it comes to running the club, such as collecting dues, and making sure that as many members as possible are able to attend events. I will be the club secretary in charge of the club network.
I believe that the secretary should listen to and reach out to each and every member, so the secretary is also the network of the entire club. Now that I have listed these things, I realize that the role of the secretary is really huge. If the club becomes more united and active through my efforts, I will do my best to create an atmosphere that brings us together.
In fact, our club is more active than other clubs. Our members are always looking out for each other. I don’t worry too much because I believe in the members of our club, and I will serve as the hands and feet of the president and other members during the year as secretary general with the attitude of serving our club. I ask for your active participation and guidance. Thank you.



The newly elected President of the Fellowship

Everyone, I was elected as president with your enthusiastic support. To be honest, I’m a little nervous about taking on the role of president after beating out so many great people.
I’ll be honest, I’m only running for this position to overcome my inferiority complex. As you can see, I’m quite short, and since I was a kid, I’ve been drinking a lot of milk and taking Chinese medicine to grow taller, but the result of my hard work is ○○○cm, so I’m very envious when I see tall people. I was so ashamed of my short height that I couldn’t even confess it in front of my favorite girlfriend. But I couldn’t continue to live like this, and I realized that I shouldn’t stress over my self-created inferiority complex because of my appearance more than my appearance itself.
Napoléon became a historical conqueror despite his short stature, Ludwig van Beethoven was a musician who overcame his deafness, a Japanese marathon runner with one short leg, a basketball player who shoots dunks despite his small stature, a ballerina with only one leg – there are many people who have faced their complexes and overcome them. I may be short, but I love my sorority and I love my friends as much as anyone. I think wearing the name tag of president will make me even more responsible and eager to serve, and I think it will make me love myself even more, knowing that I’m loved and noticed by someone. Rather than letting my small stature intimidate me, I want to show that there’s a lot I can do with my small stature. They say that little peppers are spicy, and I’m going to show you the real spice. I’m going to tackle the difficult tasks of the Fellowship with the passion and tenacity that radiate from my small frame.
Folks, I’m a timid guy who has never stood in front of others before, and now I want to turn into a cool guy who feels recognized, accomplished, and confident in you.
I once read in a book that if you are ruled by inferiority complexes and are a slave to inferiority, you will never win any game in life. I will be the kind of person who courageously tackles the tasks that are entrusted to me. I will talk a lot with the officers to make our fraternity more active. I will plan and implement things that will increase communication among the members. I hope that you will help and encourage me a lot, and I look forward to serving you.



Thank you from the elected Patron Affinity Group representative

It’s spring, and the sun is starting to shine after the bitter cold. I hope you had a good winter, and it seems like it was just yesterday that this year started, but spring has already arrived. I would like to thank everyone who participated in my inauguration ceremony last time. As I took over as the president of the Patronage Club, I was worried that I would make a mistake in the club that the previous presidents had worked so hard to build, but I was encouraged by the generous advice of the previous presidents and the active participation and encouragement of the members of the club. Our sponsoring club has done a lot of things, and we have put our hearts and minds to extend a lot of service and affection to our neighbors.
There is a saying, “Don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing!” and I’m sure there are many of you who do good deeds in that way, but besides that, it seems to me that service is more rewarding and enjoyable when done with a large group of people. Being together in one mind for a good cause strengthens our friendship with each other and, as a result, gives the other person a positive life vigor.
A lot of time has passed since I started as one of the members of this club and became its president. In the midst of my own hectic life, I didn’t think I could be of any use to others, but doing good deeds for others has given me more time to relax and, most importantly, more time to reflect on my surroundings. I became more considerate of my family and friends, and I was able to discover a different side of my coworkers that I had only judged as work. I believe that you, too, have been able to broaden your horizons as a result of the sponsorship program.
○○ Dear sponsors, thank you for pushing me forward and giving me courage once again. It hasn’t been much time since I took office, and I don’t think I’ve been able to show you any remarkable results yet. However, I will continue to give back to you and the less fortunate through various events for the rest of the year. I look forward to the next event and ask for your active participation. I wish you all the best for the warm spring season.



Thank you message from the alumni president of a high school alumni association gathering

Hello everyone! Dear ○○ High School Alumni, I would like to thank all the alumni for attending the meeting and honoring us with their presence even in such unpleasant weather. I am embarrassed and sorry that I am standing here representing the glorious alumni association, but I consider it my calling, and I will accept it with a heavy heart, bowing down a hundred times.
Our ○○ High School is going from strength to strength. Our alma mater is known for its deep-rooted traditions and strict discipline. Our high school has recently consolidated its position as a regional leader in education tailored to the global era. At this time, as a member of the alumni association and as an alumnus of our high school, I am thrilled.
If it is the role of the alumni association to add the whip to the running horse and grease the squeaky wheels, then in this time of joy and honor, our alumni association’s path is also clear. We need to support our alumni, our juniors, and the pride of our community to further develop their talents and pursue their dreams, which is why we’re increasing our alumni scholarships by 20% over previous years’ levels. We’re also planning to focus on raising the profile of our alumni association and strengthening its presence in the community. Of course, this will require the efforts of our 10,000 alumni who contribute and serve their communities.
As you all know, all of these plans and efforts are aimed at the betterment of the region and our alma mater. The honor of our school is our honor; the name of our alma mater represents our name; the region is our home, the place where we grew up. Our gathering here today, the continuation of decades of tradition, is something that cannot be defined in secular terms. It is a reaffirmation of our bonds, a reminder that we are a family that lives with the same honor and pride. I wish the region a prosperous future and our alma mater a glorious day. Thank you.



Alumni Association Executive Election Message

I would like to thank all of you for giving me the great role of Secretary in the alumni association executive election. I know I have a lot of work to do, but I think my love for my alma mater and my meticulous nature made me a good fit for the position.
I have gained so much from my time with you all in the Alumni Association, and it has been a great comfort to have a place to lean on during some of the tough moments in my life. The familiar voices, the familiar faces, the presence of old and dear friends has allowed me to catch my breath, and the relationships that have been forged here, both in terms of selflessness and friendship, have brought me unparalleled joy.
Our school years passed as quickly as a rushing river. We were in the same class for only a year. We met in a short period of my life, and it’s all because of you that our friendship has grown and expanded into such a beautiful relationship. Thanks to everyone’s heart for organizing and attending the reunion despite their busy schedules, I think we were able to develop precious friendships under the umbrella of the 12th class reunion, which is still very much alive today. A lot of time has already passed, and as we grow up and get older, we reminisce about our memories from the past. I remember my school days as clearly as if they were yesterday, and I know that those moments have built up to make our history. Just like remembering the people of yesterday and the times we made in the past, I want to remember and record the history of our alumni association in the future. I think that is also in line with the role of the secretary. I want to record the memories that we will make anew by paying close attention to the events of the alumni association. I would like to record the history of our organization, and I hope that we can continue to build a long history of our organization, just as we have built a valuable history so far.
I pray that your love for the organization will never change. I hope we can make more memories and spend more time together. I want to be a part of your laughter and happiness, so I would like to ask you in advance to attend all the reunions that will be held this year. I close by wishing that our friendship will be as solid as diamonds. I am deeply grateful for your love for electing me as your secretary.



Inaugural speech of the university alumni president

Greetings, fellow ○○○ alumni, it is a great honor for me to serve as the president of my proud alma mater. I would like to thank you for entrusting me with this task and I will do my best to contribute to the development of the alumni association.
It is still difficult for our ○○○ Alumni Association to have the same status as that of other prestigious universities, but since tradition is largely dependent on the state of affairs at the time it is formed and how faithfully it is inherited and developed determines its goodness or badness, we will always have to make constant efforts to have a great alumni association. I believe that the most effective way to do so is to set the direction to be pursued and solve the tasks necessary to get there.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of alumni associations. The most important thing is, of course, to strengthen the bonds of alumni. The other is to show the future to the younger generation, so that they can see the seniors of their alma mater working hard in society and use it as a reference to design their own future.
The other is to contribute to the development of the school. ○○○ is the place where we spent some of the most important years of our lives, and it has given us more than any other school we could have chosen, so it is our duty as alumni to contribute to its development. On the other hand, from a very practical point of view, it is in the best interest of alumni that their alma mater is constantly evolving, as the evaluation of an individual’s education, which has a huge impact on their career, is based on what it is today, not what it was when they entered the school. Now that our alumni are starting to gain a foothold in society and open their eyes to the physics of the world, I think it is time for them to start taking a more active role in the development of the school.
Against this backdrop, I have been thinking about what we should do in the future. Many accomplishments have been achieved through the efforts of the previous alumni presidents and officials under many constraints. The policies that have been established are very appropriate and should be inherited and implemented consistently in the future. However, as circumstances change over time, it will be necessary to make timely adjustments in terms of specific implementation methods. An important policy that should be inherited is securing stable finances. Although we have achieved a lot, there are still many challenges. We will do a little more research and formulate a concrete plan.
Another thing we will focus on is connecting with each department’s alumni association. I know that most departments have already established departmental alumni associations or similar organizations. If the linkage system between the departmental alumni associations and the general alumni association is properly established, it is expected to greatly increase the planning and execution power of alumni association projects. It is also expected to help revitalize each departmental alumni association, which will have a synergistic effect.
One of the most important factors in running an alumni association is enjoyment. Alumni associations have many roles, but I think one of the core missions is to provide opportunities for alumni to have fun and socialize. Not only that, but the element of fun is becoming an essential element in modern society. I will make sure that the alumni reunions will have a fun element.
○○○ One of the most profound things I heard from the previous alumni president was that we should create an alumni association that works as a system, not as an individual, so that the alumni association can develop and the people in charge of the alumni association can be less burdened and more active. I will do a lot of work to establish a system for the alumni association, but establishing a system is a lot of work. Just as we contributed to the cause of establishing Korea’s first research-oriented university as students, it is time for us as alumni to dedicate ourselves to creating a desirable alumni association tradition. I will be asking for a lot of help from you in the future. I know you are busy with your own lives, but I hope you will consider the work of the alumni association as an extension of your main job and actively support it.
The Alumni Association is not just a social organization; along with the Foundation, faculty, staff, and students, it is a vital part of the fabric of the school. If you look around a little bit, you can see that the power of alumni has played a very important role in the development of the world-class universities we know, and many universities in Korea are also accelerated by the active participation of alumni. We can play a greater role in the development of our alma mater as alumni rather than reciprocating as students. It’s also about writing our own future.
We, the ○○○ and ○○○ alumni, wish you all the best for your future endeavors.



Inaugural speech by Alumni President ○○

Today is a festive day for our alumni association. It is also the day of our children’s SAT exams, where 600,000 students of different abilities are lined up with the same test questions, and the National Assembly is in the midst of a peasant revolt, where they are now re-serving Seoul Cheondo with different packaging. They’re talking about the Honam high-speed rail, not the Gyeongbu high-speed rail, because a monk is fasting.
We, the ○○ Alumni Association, will be straightforward during our term.
It was a greeting when we entered high school. I remember making the first inquiry. It’s been 50 years since I was overwhelmed by Principal ○○○’s speech and the booming voices of the upperclassmen singing the national anthem and school song, and I can still hear the lion-hearted welcome speech of President ○○○, who was about 30 years old when he entered high school and still looked very homeless, and we, the 16th class, have now passed our sixteenth birthday and it’s the turn of the alumni president.
In the meantime, Korea has made unprecedented progress in world history, from less than $100 per capita income to $15,000 per capita income, a far cry from the 5x to 20x growth of other countries in the same period. I’m proud to say that our alumni have played a huge role in this, whether they realize it or not. We have produced a president, elected the most active local legislators of any high school in the country, and because we grew up close to the sea, we also entered the shipping industry, and the fact that the current Minister of Oceans and Fisheries is our alumnus speaks eloquently about the contribution of our alumni.
However, just as a string of beads must be strung together to make a treasure, it is up to the alumni association to serve as the link, and it is you, the alumni, who are the owners of this alumni association. I hope you have a fun and fruitful time, and let’s raise the sails of our ship together to open up the forum and explore new horizons to fulfill the dream of a fulfilling alumni association.



Inaugural speech by the Alumni President

I would like to thank all the friends who have gathered together for the establishment of the first alumni association of ○○ High School despite the chilly weather. I think I can feel the desire of all the alumni for the establishment and development of the alumni association. Although not all of the alumni were able to attend due to lack of contact or busy work, I believe that the feeling of celebrating the establishment of the alumni association is no different from the alumni gathered here.
With the establishment of the Alumni Association, I am grateful to you for electing me as its president, but I also feel a heavy responsibility. While I am not without some concerns about my ability to fulfill your hopes, I will devote my energies to laying the foundation of the Alumni Association with your support, and I hope that you will bear with me and criticize me as I go forward.
My first order of business in establishing the alumni association will be to refine its foundation. First and foremost, the alumni association must earn the trust of the alumni, so I propose “open and transparent” as the motto of the first alumni association. I will endeavor to ensure that all alumni affairs are open and transparent, and I hope you will cooperate with me. Please feel free to use the alumni internet cafe and office phone at any time.
We will strive to raise the profile of the Alumni Association to become a strong and supportive alumni association in your social life. We will play a full role in your relationship with your alma mater, which requires each of you to play your part in society. We will provide generous support to hardworking alumni, and we will always be present at your celebrations.
In addition, I would like to express my deepest affection to the friends of the Preparatory Group who have worked hard to establish the Alumni Association. I think I should take this opportunity to introduce and encourage them.
Please give a round of applause to the following people. ○○○, ○○○, ○○○, ○○○, ○○○, and many others have worked hard for the reunion. Once again, I would like to express my deepest gratitude. Please give your support and encouragement to our Executive Committee, Vice President ○○○, Treasurer ○○○, and Secretary ○○○. I hope we can have fun eating, drinking, and catching up today. Thank you.



Inaugural speech by the alumni president

First of all, I would like to thank you, our guests, and alumni for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend this event. My high school years, which started with excitement, being happy with my new uniform, sighing at the stones piled up in one corner, and being proud of the new building and lockers, were only three short years but a big part of my lifelong memories. As the years passed, so did my alma mater, and now, with over 20 graduating classes, we’re growing the intangible asset that is our alumni association. Although there are some alumni who are unable to join us right now due to life commitments, I believe that the love for our alma mater is the same for all 16,000+ alumni. Although it was a short period of time before I decided to run for the position of president, many of them already knew and encouraged me, and I am grateful to them for their support, as well as to the many other alumni who have shown their interest and love for their alma mater from afar.
In recent years, the Alumni Association has gotten to this point through the hard work and efforts of alumni to further develop the school and support the school, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now that the 4th General Alumni Association has been established, we will work with the mindset of building a solid stone on top of the foundation that has been laid so far, so that the hard work of all the alumni can be accumulated one by one and become an ivory tower that can be the envy of the surrounding area and the object of envy.
During my term, I will identify alumni clubs and alumni groups and organize healthy clubs to maintain mutual ties; reinstitute the athletic meet so that all alumni can participate in it and find pleasure in reliving memories of their alma mater; revise and update the address book, one of the great achievements of the 3rd Alumni Association, to check changes since its first publication and add new addresses to make it a useful tool for alumni communication.
I will do so with humility, knowing that the position I have been given is indeed a very important one, and that I cannot make progress without your help and support. I look forward to your continued support, encouragement, and advice, and I thank you for your interest in this endeavor.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!