What is the true value of art in the modern world, and how do we perceive and consume it?


This article explores the nature and value of contemporary art, the identity of the artist, and our responsibilities as consumers through the movie “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” and delves into the impact of art on society and individuals.


The title of Exit Through the Gift Shop made me think a lot. I started by thinking about why a gift shop would be in the title, and why did the director choose to title the movie this way? The meaning of a title in a movie is huge, so I thought, “Why such a playful title? These are questions that everyone probably asks themselves before watching a movie. This is because the title is the first impression and the first gateway to the movie. Once you get past this initial gateway, you have the opportunity to delve deeper into the essence of the movie and the director’s intentions.
After watching the movie, it’s a different story. I decided for myself, “There could not be a better title.” Of course, using a definitive sentence is not a very nice way of putting it. But it is. I don’t think there’s any other way to say something like that that’s not mocking or mocking someone, and it makes you think a lot. About art, which is what I’m trying to do now. The questions of what art is and how it is consumed are always with us, and this movie doesn’t answer those questions, it raises new ones.
I think this image sums up the movie, and after watching it, I thought of a logline for the movie. Despite the title, it’s a bit radical. “Here’s how to sell junk to idiots.” It’s not just a provocative statement, it captures one of the key messages of the movie.
The Mona Lisa is a painting that everyone in the world recognizes. Everyone knows that there is only one original, and everyone knows that it was created by a painter named Leonardo da Vinci. Of course, it belongs to a rich man as part of his estate. But in today’s society, a replica, or a copy, for lack of a better word, can create value that we can’t imagine by looking at it from a different perspective. I think that’s a very honest and irrefutable statement. To take this further, we need to rethink what art really is in essence. Is a work of art only important for its original value, or is it also important for the value it derives from it, and how is that value formed?
Andy Warhol once said. ‘Once you’re famous, people will applaud you even if you take a shit.’ It’s a funny quote. But it’s true now. It’s an accurate understanding of society. This movie is a movie that uses that aspect to show how you go from being a hungry artist to a star. When you look at the work of Andy Warhol or a famous street artist, it’s a movie about the difference between a piece of paper and a piece of paper that makes you think, ‘Oh, I could do that.
In this 87-minute documentary film, Thierry, an ordinary man with a camera, meets his cousin and is introduced to street art, from Shepard Fairey, who has put millions of Obey brand marks around the world, to the legendary art terrorist Banksy, who suggests he become an artist and prepares an exhibition. Of course, Thierry, an ordinary guy, becomes the artist Mr. Brainwash in LA.
I’m actually very interested in street clothing brands, so I did some research. I remembered a clothing company called Supreme, which became famous for replicating huge clothing brands and putting their own logo on them, like Banksy, the main character of the movie. Now, their clothes aren’t exactly luxury goods, but a hoodie can cost close to a million dollars. Wait a minute here. I thought about it. Did they become famous through sheer hard work? The answer is no. Even though they stole other people’s work without permission and committed the crime of “stealing” instead of “collaborating,” their defiance is being valued. In the end, isn’t this also selling garbage to idiots? Of course, I own one of their clothes.


(Source - Documentary - Exit Through the Gift Shop)
(Source – Documentary – Exit Through the Gift Shop)


We don’t know much about Banksy, except that he’s a 41-year-old white man with sideburns. Because graffiti is an illegal activity, he is never shown in the movie and is interviewed in his studio. He dropped out of school because of what happened to him in his childhood, and when he thought about ‘justice’, he created works on anti-war, peace, freedom, and ecology, and he said that ‘the great crime in the world is not in breaking the rules, but in following the rules’, and he still creates many works to this day.
While watching the movie, I realized that Banksy is a genius. Not just the art that he’s done before, but the works that I’ve learned about thanks to the movie, including “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” are amazing. This movie is more than just an art documentary. It leads to a philosophical discourse that explores how art can influence people’s mindset and society as a whole, beyond its mere material value.
One of the questions the movie asks is what is art and where does its essence lie? Is art a product of the creator’s pure intentions and expression, or is it merely a commodity whose value is determined by market evaluation and demand? These questions are not merely the subject of the movie, but rather the reality of contemporary art. In particular, the confusion and conflict that non-mainstream art, such as street art, goes through as it enters the mainstream art market leaves a deep impression on many people.


(Source - Documentary - Exit Through the Gift Shop)
(Source – Documentary – Exit Through the Gift Shop)


Artists like Banksy have the power to change people’s consciousness and thinking through works that could be dismissed as street graffiti. His work is not just an image, but a powerful tool with a social message. By asking the question, where does the essence of art lie – is it in its mere aesthetic value or in the social impact it creates? This movie makes us look at art in a new way.
And as we follow Thierry’s journey, we are forced to rethink what it means to be an artist. What are the criteria for identity and success as an artist? Is it simply about becoming famous, or is it important to stay true to your artistic convictions? These questions are important not only for artists, but for anyone who creates.
The film shows a man who constantly strives to fulfill his artistic ambitions and eventually succeeds, but loses himself in the process. His story makes us rethink the meaning of success and identity in the modern world. Is it really success to be famous and wealthy, or is it true success to live by your own beliefs and values?
Finally, the movie also makes us think about our responsibilities as consumers. When we consume art, do we have the ability to judge its true value, or do we uncritically accept it simply because it’s famous, or because someone recommended it? How objective is our view of a work of art, and do we understand its essence? By asking these questions, the film makes us think twice about the art we encounter every day.
In the end, the movie is more than just a story about street art, but a philosophical journey that explores the nature of contemporary art and its impact on society and people. This journey is more than just a celebration or criticism of art, but a deeply resonant one for anyone who wants to understand the true value of art.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!