Why ultrasound diagnostics have overcome the limitations of x-rays to become a safe and precise medical tool!


Emerging to address the dangers and high cost of X-rays, ultrasound diagnostics have become a safe and affordable alternative and are widely used in a variety of medical fields. The technology mimics the ability of animals to utilize ultrasound, allowing for precise diagnosis of even the most sensitive parts of the human body.


Until the discovery of X-rays in 1895, no one thought it would be possible to see inside the human body without a knife. Computed tomography (CT), a modification of x-ray machines that allows you to see cross-sections of the body, is a step forward, but it still uses x-rays, which are prohibitively expensive to buy and operate and can be harmful to the body. X-rays are also frightening to many people because of their potential to cause cancer. Despite these drawbacks, X-rays and CTs have played an important role in the medical field. However, with the advancement of technology, the search for a harmless and affordable alternative has continued, and this is where ultrasound diagnostics comes in.
Ultrasound diagnostic devices have overcome the shortcomings of X-rays and have become widely used as an inexpensive and safe way to examine sensitive parts of the body and even the fetus. While early ultrasound technology provided simple 2D images, it has since evolved into 3D and 4D technology, providing more precise and vivid images. This has made it possible to observe fetal growth and internal organs such as the heart and liver in greater detail, greatly improving the accuracy of diagnosis.
Ultrasound diagnostic devices use sound to see inside the human body. While normal sounds can be detected by the human ear, ultrasonic waves have a frequency of over 20,000 Hz and are inaudible to the human ear. The use of ultrasound as a tool for diagnosing the human body is due to its short wavelength, which makes it highly penetrating and straightforward, as well as its ability to see microscopic structures in detail. In particular, ultrasound is harmless to living tissue and can be used safely even when repeated examinations are required, making it a versatile tool in many fields.
This diagnostic device has a specialized device called a piezoelectric transducer to generate and detect ultrasound waves. The piezoelectric element, which is the core component of a piezoelectric transducer, generates electricity under pressure, which is called the piezoelectric effect. When ultrasonic waves are applied to the piezoelectric element, the pressure of the air on the piezoelectric element changes, creating a high-frequency alternating current due to the piezoelectric effect. Conversely, if a high-frequency alternating voltage is applied to the piezoelectric element, the piezoelectric element will periodically stretch and generate ultrasonic waves, which is called the reverse piezoelectric effect. The piezoelectric element plays the important role of generating ultrasonic waves in the piezoelectric transducer and detecting the reflected ultrasonic waves. In other words, the piezoelectric transducer acts as both a microphone and a speaker.
To place the piezoelectric transducer in contact with the part of the body you want to examine, apply jelly to the area. This is to eliminate the air layer between the piezoelectric transducer and the skin, minimizing the loss of sound waves due to reflections. The quality of the images obtained with ultrasound is highly dependent on factors that affect the reflection and absorption of ultrasound waves, and the use of piezoelectric transducers and jelly plays a very important role in this process. Ultrasound waves from the piezoelectric transducer pass through different biological tissues at different speeds and are partially reflected as they cross the interface between them. The intensity of the ultrasonic waves reflected back to the piezoelectric transducer is weakened by the greater density and thickness of the tissue it passes through. This multi-layered reflection of ultrasonic waves from each tissue or organ generates alternating electrical signals of different intensities at different times in the piezoelectric transducer that is switched to receive mode. A computer analyzes the strength and latency of these electrical signals and produces an image on the monitor screen.
Another advantage of ultrasound diagnostic devices is that they are widely used in various medical fields. In obstetrics and gynecology, they’re used to check the health of the fetus, monitor the heart and blood flow in the blood vessels, and abdominal ultrasound has become an essential tool for checking the health of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and more. As such, ultrasound diagnostic devices have become a quick and accurate way to determine the health of various organs and tissues without worrying about radiation, and have gained the trust of healthcare providers and patients alike.
Dolphins dive deep in unlit waters and bats dive in pitch-black caves to generate ultrasound waves and detect the sound waves that bounce off objects to recognize the shape and location of objects and obstacles. Ultrasound diagnostic devices are a triumph of biomimetic technology that mimics these animals’ amazing abilities. With further technological advancements, ultrasound diagnostics will lead to more innovations and play an even more important role in protecting human health.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!