Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue explores the identity confusion and psychological struggles of Mima, the main character, as she transitions from idol to actress. The movie explores the complexity of identity by skillfully blurring the lines between reality and fantasy, creating endless confusion for the viewer, and showing how Mima loses herself in her quest to find her true self. I was...
Will we ignore the problem of global warming and end up in an irreversible situation, or will we act now to save our future?
In the movie An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore exposes the seriousness of global warming, citing population growth, economic and environmental imbalances, and late recognition as the main causes. He warns of water shortages and ecosystem destruction due to rising carbon dioxide emissions and shrinking glaciers, and offers actionable solutions to combat them, such as using public transportation and...
When Heroes Transcend Laws and Ethics, Why Do We Condone Unethical Behavior Because They’re Heroes?
This article discusses the reality that heroic characters in superhero movies commit crimes with disregard for the law and ethics, yet their actions are condoned because they are heroes. Using Ant-Man as an example, the article analyzes how the unethical behavior of heroes is hidden from the audience or rationalized in movies, and offers a critical perspective on this. Introduction...
Who does the name Frankenstein really belong to? What is the real name of the monster we know and what caused his tragic birth?
The name “Frankenstein,” commonly known as the name of the monster, is actually the name of the doctor who created it. The nameless monster, created using the brain of a criminal, is a tragic result of a lack of research and a lack of meaning, illustrating the dangers of rushing into scientific endeavors. Do you know who ‘Frankenstein’ is? If you think of a green monster with a...
Why does horror fantasy expose real-life oppression in fantasy, and how does the tragedy of Grounouille in Perfume illustrate this?
Horror fantasy is a genre that subverts real-life oppression into fantasy to reveal hidden desires. The film Perfume embodies the characteristics of horror fantasy by fantasizing the repression of love and existence through the material of smell and expressing it through Grounouille’s tragic life and serial killing. About horror fantasy Horror fantasy is a subsystem within the...
Is happiness without emotion truly happiness, and how does the use of drugs to control human emotions affect social norms and value judgments?
The movie Equilibrium examines the need for emotion and discusses how the development of drugs to control emotions and their use impacts social values and individual freedom. In the movie Equilibrium, humanity establishes a unified government of Libria after World War III. About five minutes into the movie, soldiers are shown arresting the person hiding the Mona Lisa and burning the Mona...
In The Shawshank Redemption, why is hope the driving force behind the characters’ overcoming and a message of hope for the audience?
In the movie The Shawshank Redemption, the main characters Andy and Red overcome the hardships of prison and move on to a new life through their desire for freedom. Andy’s hope improves his situation in prison through education, while Red overcomes his suicidal thoughts through a promise to Andy. Hope also resonates with audiences by delivering a positive and hopeful message. In the...
A collection of sample retirement speeches for a variety of careers
We’ve compiled a collection of farewell and retirement speeches that can be used by people who are about to retire from a variety of jobs. We hope they’ll help you prepare a speech that expresses your heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to your coworkers and colleagues as you end a long and dedicated career. Union President Retirement Speech Good afternoon, Mr. ○○○...
Sample principal retirement thank you messages and greetings
We’ve put together a collection of sample thank you messages and greetings for principal retirement ceremonies. We’ve provided a variety of examples to help you prepare a touching and classy retirement message to send as you end a long and distinguished career in education. Principal retirement message Hello, everyone! It’s the retirement ceremony that never seemed...
Sample wedding family representative thank you notes for guests
We’ve put together a collection of sample thank you notes for the bride and groom’s family to say to guests at a wedding. As a family representative, you’ll find a variety of examples to help you prepare a warm and heartfelt message to share with those attending the wedding. Thank you from the head of the family on his daughter’s wedding day It’s with...