
How can we overcome the discrimination and inequality that eugenics and scientific universalism will bring to future societies?


This article discusses the discrimination and inequality that eugenics will cause in the future society through the movie ‘ Gattaca,’ and warns about the dangers of scientific universalism and the moral problems it causes, using the harmful effects of eugenics in history as an example.   Throughout human history, discrimination has always existed. Slavery, feudalism, racism...

Why do we need to understand the importance of big data and data mining, and prepare for what’s to come as it evolves?


In this article, we’ll explain what big data is, how it came to be, how technological advances have made it possible to utilize it, and how it’s changing the way we collect data. We’ll also discuss how today’s big data is just the beginning, and what the future holds for even bigger data.   For some time now, we have been hearing the unfamiliar word “big data” in...

Is money something we believe to be real, or is it just a fictional concept created by humans?


This essay explores the nature of money and argues for the fictionalization of money through an examination of its value and finitude, building on Yuval Noah Harari’s argument that money is a fictional concept that doesn’t exist.   Money has become a very important part of modern society. Money is a constant concern for modern people. From those who are saddened by the lack of...

Can philosophical skepticism avoid contradicting itself while denying ultimate truth, and how does it affect philosophical inquiry?


Philosophy has always been a discipline that seeks certainty, but skepticism has challenged it to its very foundations. The skepticism of Gorgias and Albert, in particular, doubted the justifiability of philosophical knowledge and sought to render philosophy’s self-evident propositions meaningless. However, this skepticism avoids contradicting itself and plays a productive role in...

Why do group decisions often become extreme, and what are the causes and solutions?


In group decision-making, if initial opinions are adventurous or conservative, they can become increasingly extreme as the discussion progresses. This is called “group polarization,” and various theories explain why this happens. This polarization can lead to bad decisions, and you need a strategy to prevent it.   It’s easy to assume that getting a group of people together and talking...

What is truth? How do correspondence, congruence, and pragmatism define our sense of what is true and false?


The concept of truth can be interpreted in different ways according to different philosophical theories, and each of the correspondence, compatibilism, and pragmatism theories provides criteria for distinguishing between what is true and false. These theories have a profound impact on our daily lives, our bodies of knowledge, and our practical outcomes.   We often use the words “truth” or...

Why can institutional development be an important cause of economic growth, and what role does geography play in this process?


When looking at the impact of institutional development on economic growth, geographic conditions also play an important role. Institutions promote social stability and innovation, and geographic conditions can have an indirect or direct impact on economic performance.   Many economists have considered the development of institutions to be an important cause of economic growth. This has been...

How can we choose alternative energy sources to overcome fossil energy depletion and climate change and achieve sustainable development?


Humanity has developed rapidly by relying on fossil energy, but its depletion and climate change are creating an urgent need for sustainable alternatives. We need to use energy efficiently and develop new energy sources to overcome future crises.   Human progress has been accompanied by advances in the quantity and quality of energy we use. Energy is an essential element for human progress...

What is suicide and why are both social and individual approaches important to preventing it?


Suicide is caused by a combination of social and personal factors, and to prevent it, society as a whole needs to emphasize the value of life, and individuals need to have a positive attitude and recognize the importance of life. Effective suicide prevention requires a balance of social and individual efforts.   Suicide literally means the act of killing oneself. However, when we add the...

How does mechanical and aerospace engineering combine to create value in a variety of industries?


The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering combines mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering to study how various machines work and the differences in the aviation environment. After graduation, students can choose to pursue joint research and careers in a variety of industries, and the combined majors give them a significant advantage when seeking employment.  ...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!