Why is it inevitable that humans progress and achieve moral maturity in society through conflict and antisocial tendencies?


Human beings develop their abilities, achieve moral maturity, and become civilized beings through conflict and antisocial tendencies in society. This process is driven by the conflict between two inherent tendencies in human nature: socialization and individualization.


Nature uses the conflict between human beings to develop all of their qualities. Social order is achieved through this conflict, which is caused by our antisocial sociability. By antisocial sociability, we mean, on the one hand, the constant threat and rebellion to divide society, and, on the other hand, the human tendency to live in society. This tendency is clearly deeply embedded in human nature.
Humans seek to socialize themselves because only in society can they feel better about themselves. Through society, humans have the opportunity to realize their natural aptitudes. But at the same time, humans also have a strong tendency to individualize or isolate themselves. This refers to the antisocial trait of trying to act only according to one’s own intentions. Humans also recognize that this tendency to resist exists not only in themselves but also in others, so they expect to encounter resistance everywhere.
Through such resistance, man awakens all his abilities, overcomes his tendency to be lazy, and acts in accordance with his sense of honor, dominance, possession, etc. By doing so, he secures his place among his contemporaries. In this process, man takes the first step in his true progress from mere savagery to culture. From this point on, all human abilities are gradually developed, and the ability to judge beauty is gradually formed. Furthermore, humans move from a state of merely having a vague sense of morality due to their natural aptitudes to a mature stage where they can clearly recognize specific principles of practice through continuous enlightenment.
As a result, a society united by natural emotions establishes a way of thinking that can be transformed into a moral whole. Without this antisociality in man, all his talents would not blossom and would be forever buried in an idyllic life filled with contentment and love. And people with the good disposition of sheep would find it difficult to attach any value to their lives beyond that of livestock. The value of human beings is increased when they do not remain in their natural state, but develop their natural aptitudes to fulfill their own purposes and fill the gaps in creation.
We should be grateful to nature for giving us discord, envy, competitive vanity, and an insatiable desire to possess and dominate! Humans instinctively want harmony, but nature demands discord. For nature knows better what is truly good for man. Man wants to live in comfort and contentment, but Nature wants to rush man out of idleness and passive contentment and into labor and hardship. In doing so, Nature allows man to discover for himself the way out of labor and hardship.
Through this intention of nature, man can only discover his true capabilities. They realize that human life is not just about survival, but about elevating themselves through constant challenge and growth. In this way, humans realize their potential to not only exist as part of nature, but also to transcend it.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!