Example of an Attorney General’s farewell speech



This article provides an example of an Attorney General’s departure speech. It is a helpful resource for prosecutors and police officials as they prepare to leave office, and provides a guide to help ensure a successful exit ceremony.


Attorney General departure speech

My beloved family of prosecutors across the country, I am now leaving the office that has been my life for the past 30 years. From the time I became a prosecutor, I have put the fate of the nation and the prosecution, as well as the future of the country, ahead of my personal honor. I am deeply saddened and regretful that I will be leaving your side before all my hard work and dedication has come to fruition. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the prosecution family for believing in me and following me without wavering even in the difficult conditions of the political upheaval.
Dear prosecution family, I ask you to be a good prosecutor, not a strong prosecutor, and to uphold principles and moderation! I ask you to exercise your prosecutorial power with restraint and conduct a dignified investigation that respects human rights. Please always pursue this kind of investigation. So far, we have fixed a lot and tried a lot, but in the eyes of the people, we are still far short and insufficient. We must be humbler and more humble than we are now, and exercise our prosecutorial power in a more restrained and refined manner than we are now, or the prosecution will lose its footing due to public condemnation and criticism. Please correct the problems with our investigative practices, investigative techniques, briefings on the status of the investigation, leaks of security matters, etc. and carry out our duties to fight corruption no matter what.
Prosecutors should call right what is right and wrong what is wrong. If public misunderstanding and social controversy continue over the recent investigations, it is also up to us to explain the prosecution’s position and seek understanding. As long as corruption exists in Korea, prosecutors can and will continue to investigate, regardless of their status, and without any sanctuary for the powerful, living or dead. Please help the prosecutors to continue their unwavering efforts in investigating corruption cases, and also help them to put in place institutional arrangements, such as the introduction of a new criminal law.
Dear Prosecutor’s Family! Today, although I am leaving, I am not alone because I know that you believe in the purity and sincerity of my intentions to do everything in my power for the Prosecutor’s Office. Please know the meaning of my leaving the office and do everything in your power to restore the honor of the Prosecutor’s Office. I thank you once again for the undeserved love and grace you have given me and wish you all the best. With gratitude.



Prosecutor General’s Retirement Speech

Dear family of prosecutors across the country, I am now leaving the Jungden Prosecutor’s Office, which has been the center of my life for the past ○ years. I stand here to voluntarily relinquish my legally guaranteed term of office and step down as Prosecutor General. I believe this decision is the best option for me to make one last commitment to my country and our prosecutor’s office.
From the day I became a prosecutor, I have given up being a good husband, a good father, and a good friend. I have put the fate and future of the country and the prosecutor’s office before my personal honor. It is with great regret and pain that I must leave your side before all my hard work and dedication has come to fruition.
I sincerely hope that my resignation will bring an end to the accountability debate and create the conditions for the Prosecutor’s Office to focus on its primary mission of fighting corruption and establishing law and order. I would like to say a few words to express my sincere gratitude to the Prosecutor’s Office family for their unwavering faith in me, even in the difficult conditions of the political upheaval.
Dear prosecution family, please be a good prosecutor, not a strong prosecutor; please exercise your prosecutorial power with principle, moderation, and restraint; and please always pursue a dignified investigation that respects human rights. You have tried a lot and fixed a lot, but in the eyes of the people, you are still far from enough and insufficient. The prosecution organization must be humbler and more modest than it is now, and it must exercise its prosecutorial power in a more restrained and refined manner, or it will lose its footing due to public condemnation and criticism for being strong and arrogant.
In light of the recent events, we need to reflect on whether we have done enough in response to the various suggestions and criticisms raised by various circles. Our prosecutorial organization needs to take a serious look at what needs to be fixed: our investigative practices, investigative techniques, security leaks, and briefings on the status of our investigations. I hope that we can use this as an opportunity to rebuild our relationship with the media. We must not allow recent discussions about prosecutorial investigations to undermine the ability of prosecutors to investigate corruption.
Investigations into corruption allegations have been disrupted by unexpected twists and turns, but the fact that there are many shortcomings in the process does not undermine the legitimacy of the entire investigation. Weakening the investigative function of the prosecution by vaporizing it will lead to a corrupt republic that favors those accused of corruption. There will inevitably be people with different interests in the process of investigating allegations of corruption, and sometimes, in the name of public opinion, unbearable criticisms will be heaped on the prosecutor’s office. But that does not mean that the prosecutor’s office, which seeks a just society, cannot say right is wrong and wrong is right. We must say right is right and wrong is wrong.
Even if I step down, I am confident that my successor will do everything in his power to fight corruption. I ask you to do everything in your power to ensure that the Prosecutor General’s Office remains unwavering in its pursuit of corruption cases.
My dear prosecutorial family, my tenure has been short, but looking back, it has been a turbulent one. Today, I am leaving, but I am not alone because I know that you believe in the purity of my intentions and the sincerity of my commitment to do what is best for the prosecution.
I ask you all to know what it means for me to abandon my office and to do everything in your power to restore the prosecution’s honor. If we, the prosecutors, work with sincerity and do our best to repair the situation, the people will give us courage and support that will further strengthen our prosecution. I believe that we will embrace our noble calling in the midst of difficulties and prosper as a prosecutor’s office that is trusted and loved by the people. When the rough waves subside and the waters become calm, the water itself will truly reflect the true nature of things. I have no doubt that one day the people and history will accurately judge the prosecution of today.
My beloved family of prosecutors, my short ○ years of public service seem like a dream when I look back. But I was always happy because I was always with you, my dedicated and trustworthy colleagues. I would like to thank you once again for your undeserved love and grace and wish you all the best. With gratitude.



Farewell to the Prosecutor General

Twenty-four years as a prosecutor, just over three years as Prosecutor General. A short and long time with all of you. Public service is a position of service and dedication. I have fulfilled the task entrusted to me by the times, and now it has come to an end. The world is still a dark place; lies, shams, corruption, decadence, and violence still plague the world, making life very difficult for the common man; hypocrisy obscures the truth and pretense obscures sincerity.
Prosecutors are supposed to be a beacon in our society; please continue to shine a light in the darkness. No promises are made, no agreements are kept, no one is held accountable, but principles must not be broken. We prosecutors must always be straight, upright, honorable, and proud. Prosecutors must be prosecutors, and prosecutors must be prosecutors. We must walk the straight and narrow, even if it’s crooked, rather than the high and mighty.
The job of a prosecutor is a national response to crime, and that requires pride and confidence. But you also need to look at the people, see eye-to-eye with the people, listen to the people, and think with the people. Prosecutors can only survive with the support and love of the people. Whenever difficulties arise, the people’s expectations of prosecutors are very high. With such high expectations, the evaluation of the prosecutor’s office is cold and harsh, but this is also the fate of the prosecutor’s office. We must always humbly accept the will of the people. We must not be swayed by the support of the moment, and we must not be swayed by the criticism of the moment. The reforms we have been steadily pushing for, the corruption investigations we have been conducting, must continue unabated, and the prosecution must prove it.
We can’t have it all, but we can’t put any of it down either. Prosecutors are changing, they’ve changed a lot, and it’s time for a changed prosecutor to change the world. I ask you to be the horsemen of an honest society, a clean world. I believe in you, my juniors, and our prosecutorial family, and I leave with a full heart. I am proud of all of you, and I thank you for being with me all these years.



Outgoing Prosecutor General

Dear Prosecutor’s Family, I am leaving the Prosecutor’s Office today. For the past 30 years, I have dedicated my life to it, I have loved my country dearly, and I have been overwhelmed with pride in being a prosecutor. Looking back, I realize that every day since I assumed the office of Prosecutor General has been difficult, but I have been able to endure it because of your support. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again.
Dear prosecutorial family, when I took office as Prosecutor General, I declared three wars. A war against the forces of corruption, a war against corruption, and a war within us. As a result of the unity of prosecutors across the country, led by the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office, we have achieved remarkable results in the fight against corruption. The forces of corruption have been greatly weakened compared to the past, and their camps are being disrupted. We have won this war, and we are just a short march away from paving the way to a just society.
In the war against corruption, we have also seen many achievements. We have brought to justice many of the most corrupt members of the regime. We have eliminated many of the corruption and corruption hoardings surrounding savings banks. In this war, too, we are in a superior position and marching towards victory step by step.
For me, the most difficult battle has been against an internal enemy: our own arrogance. We have strengthened oversight and made many institutional reforms in the eyes of the people, but it has been a constant battle, a grueling journey, filled with anguish, hardship, misunderstanding, and slander. When I cut off the wound, it sprouted again, and when I defeated the enemy, it came back to bite me again. In the end, I lost this war. But we must win this war for the sake of the first-class prosecutors who are loved by the people. We must abandon the arrogance based on excessive power and take the path of love and humility that serves the people.
My dear investigators, you are fully capable of being honest and upright investigators. You can do it even as you are, if you work together, build your capacity, and overhaul your organization. If we push forward and implement the blueprint that we planned at the weekend meeting, the dream will come true: we will be able to build the image of a confident and competent investigator, a first-class investigator who is respected by the people.
Dear prosecutors, I am now shedding the heavy clothes of public office and embarking on a free and leisurely dream voyage. It will be lonely but peaceful, lonely but romantic. Even if our procuratorial organization is currently facing difficulties and hardships, there is no need to be discouraged. The crisis will be overcome if all of you work together in unity. Although my body is leaving, my heart will always support you.
My dear prosecutorial family, I am leaving now. I remember the bright faces and laughter of all the staff who have been with me. These will be precious memories that I will never forget for the rest of my life. Dear Prosecutor General’s Family, thank you for your support, and I wish you and your families always good health and good fortune.



Message from the Prosecutor General on leaving office

Dear family of prosecutors, the time has come for me to say goodbye to you as your prosecutor general. For the past 32 years, I have walked the path of a prosecutor with determination, through countless trials and tribulations, but with the rewarding feeling of fighting injustice and serving the people. Eight months ago, I stood here with the promise that I would regain the trust of the people and lead the prosecution to become the prosecution that the people want. I also promised that I would be a bulwark against all external pressures and temptations so that you could work with peace of mind. I kept my promise with everything I had, even if it was for a short period of time. I showed the utmost respect for the investigating prosecutor’s position in any case, and I never forgot that it was my role to defend what I believed to be right. I believed that being consistent with the attitude of revealing the facts as they are and applying the law as it is is the only way to live, and that is the beginning and end of prosecutorial reform.
Looking back, I was happy. Investigating cases big and small, I was proud to be dedicated to fighting crime and protecting human rights for my neighbors and community. I felt the reward of serving the common man and looking out for the underdog. I don’t claim to have found the right answer in every case, but I never abandoned the law and principles and compromised with injustice. I have often stayed up all night wondering what the right decision was, and I have tried to keep my focus on justice no matter what. When I was entrusted with the enormous responsibility of prosecutor general, I had a dream that I wanted to fulfill: to be a fair prosecutor, a politically neutral prosecutor, a skilled and professional prosecutor, and a people’s prosecutor with integrity and humility. I was convinced that this was the kind of prosecutor the people wanted, and although it was not an easy road, I was able to move forward step by step.
I wanted to create a society where corruption and irregularities have no foothold in the country where liberal democracy is established. I have been doing my best to fulfill my role as a prosecutor alongside you to advance a country where human rights are alive and well. The ‘Prosecutor’s Reform with the People’ has also been moving forward smoothly. Based on a sober self-reflection on the prosecution’s past and present, we have changed the existing system, culture, and consciousness. Many people have also given the prosecution the faith they have been holding onto for some time in anticipation of a new beginning. I thank you, the people, for making all of these achievements possible. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the prosecution family for the love you have shown me, which I have not deserved in many ways.
As I relinquish the weighty office of Prosecutor General, I would also like to express my gratitude to my family. Thank you to my wife, who has been my greatest support; to my elder daughter, who has been my constant cheerleader; and to my younger daughter, who has restored my hope and courage whenever I was tired of my work. I may not have been the best father, but I have been, and will continue to be, a husband and father I am not ashamed of.
To my family of prosecutors across the country, the political neutrality of prosecutors and the impartiality of their investigations are core values that must be practiced by prosecutors as a quasi-judicial organization. Of course, this is also the starting point of public trust. Prosecutors must be more considerate and humble toward the weak, but at the same time, they must show their strength and dignity toward the strong. To do so, they must have the courage of their convictions and an indomitable will to uphold the law and justice, no matter what the difficulties. Only then will the public trust and applaud them.
Dear family of prosecutors, although Prosecutor ○○○ is leaving your side, I believe that our dreams will not fade away, and the courage of prosecutors, the unity and pride of the prosecutors’ family will endure. Truth will always have its followers, and justice will always prevail. I hope that you will gather your wisdom and work together, and that you will stand tall as the prosecutors the people want.
Dear prosecutors, this is my final farewell, but I will be with you forever as a human being. I will cherish the times I have walked with you as we dream of a new prosecutor’s office. I look forward to your unremitting efforts, and I will sincerely wish you health, happiness, and success wherever and whenever you are. Dear prosecutors, thank you for all you have done.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!