Sample wedding family representative thank you notes for guests



We’ve put together a collection of sample thank you notes for the bride and groom’s family to say to guests at a wedding. As a family representative, you’ll find a variety of examples to help you prepare a warm and heartfelt message to share with those attending the wedding.


Thank you from the head of the family on his daughter’s wedding day

It’s with great excitement that I marry my daughter today. Thank you, everyone, for braving the heat to wish the bride and groom a happy future together and to witness their marriage.
When my son-in-law and daughter-in-law initially announced that they were having an officiant-less wedding, I was a bit taken aback. I thought, “Well, they say the times they are a-changin’,” but I thought this would give me a chance to say something mean to my daughter, so I agreed. The phrase “daughter idiot” is in vogue these days. However, I was never a daughter idiot, because I always thought it in my heart but never expressed it outwardly. Maybe I’m not a new generation of dads.
However, I was also the kind of dad who only knew my daughter from the outside, and I always raised her strictly because I was worried about her. I don’t know if my daughter was frustrated by this, but I hope you think it was the best way to protect her. My daughter, who has always been in my circle, is now starting a new family and trying to build another circle – a home and a husband. As every father’s heart must be, I feel a mixture of celebration, worry, and reluctance to let go.
But when you see your daughter’s face so loving and happy, how can you hold it back? I’ve always treated her like a baby, and now she feels like a real adult. When she first entered college, when she graduated, and when she started her social life, I was worried that she was still a baby, but now I feel like she is truly becoming an adult, and I think she will become even more so as she meets a supportive husband, starts a family, and expands her family.
As a parent, watching your child’s life story is more exciting and entertaining than any movie or fiction drama. I think the only novel I’d ever want to be a third-person omniscient author of is a child’s story, because it’s not written from a third-person observer’s point of view, and now I’m going to have to change the way I look at my daughter from a third-person omniscient author to a third-person observer.
My dear daughter, Maria, I hope you will continue to have happy days like today. Of course, there will be hard times in your life, but I know you will get through them. And don’t forget that you always have your mom and dad behind you. Congratulations on your marriage. Thank you.



Father, head of the family, thanks guests at his daughter’s wedding

Hello everyone, thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming out today, on this lush green day, to congratulate the bride and groom on their happy future and to witness their marriage.
I will never forget this day for the rest of my life, because it is the historic day when I send my daughter, who was the child of my arms, who was inside my fence, to another arm, to another fence. My wife seems to be proud of her daughter, who is starting a new family with a strong and reliable husband at the right time, and can’t wait to give her away. But my father’s heart is a little different, and he doesn’t want to let go of her hand, and he doesn’t want to let her go like this.
Because she’s a late-born daughter, I’ve tried to cherish and love her more, and somehow I feel like I’m giving her away to my son-in-law. I’m sure you all know that I’m joking, but I’m not joking at all, but my daughter is smiling like this. She’s here with this big smile on her face.
She’s never shown this kind of expression before, not when she got into the college she wanted, not when she got the job she wanted, not when she got the gift she wanted most, but today she’s smiling like this. It’s a bit of a bummer, but what father wouldn’t send his daughter away from this moment?
Now that I’m about to send her away, I’m worried that I’ve raised her too hard. I’m worried about not making a big mistake at my in-laws, I’m worried about being good to my husband, I’m worried about being loved, and there’s not one thing I don’t worry about.
You may hate me for nagging if I say this again, but bear with me today. However, when I look at my son-in-law, all of these worries melt away. He’s so strong and secure, I feel like he’ll protect my daughter from any storm that comes her way. No, I have no doubt that he will.
I want you to promise me that you won’t feel bad if your daughter falls short, and that you will fill in the gaps. Marriage is not about blaming each other’s shortcomings, but about making up for them as you go along. I hope you will continue to love and cherish each other the way you did today. Thank you.



Older brother thanking guests as family representative at younger brother’s wedding

Good morning, everyone. After a cold winter, I can smell the warm smell of spring. The weather is sunny and the spirits are warm, and today there are two people who will become man and wife and pledge their love for life. Thank you very much for being here today to celebrate the happy future of the bride and groom who are getting married.
I’m Daniel, a close friend, family member, and twin brother of the groom, David. As the older brother, born three minutes before the groom, and the senior in the marriage, I would like to make a few remarks.
Being here today reminds me of my own wedding day a few years ago. I couldn’t have been happier or more excited in the world, my jaw dropped at the realization that I could finally wake up in the same house with the love of my life.
But as life goes on, we often forget how happy we were on our wedding day. We have differences of opinion over the smallest of things, we argue, we say hurtful and ugly things to each other, and then we make up and get along again, but it doesn’t really heal the wound, because it can leave a scar.
What I would say to my twin brother, who is getting married today, is this: You may have fights. You may have disagreements. But no matter how much you argue, there are things you can say and things you can’t say. Just because you’re angry doesn’t mean you can just throw out some heartbreaking words that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
We’ve grown up in different environments for over 20 years, so it’s only natural that we’re different. Don’t think of it as wrong, think of it as different and always try to accommodate, understand and be considerate, and that goes for the groom as well as the bride. Couples are not wrong, they are just different. Remember and keep in mind that you are happy today, and I will take a video of your wedding and give it to you as a gift, so you can watch it together once a week and remember today, and then you will have a happy marriage for many years to come.
I wish you both the happiness that lies ahead. Thank you.



The bride’s sister, representing the family at the wedding, thanks the guests

Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for coming today to celebrate the marriage of Daniel, the groom, and Maria, the bride.
The chubby-faced, red-suspenders-clad, baby bundle in her mother’s arms is now a young lady, a flowery April bride. She’s going to start a family with her beloved ‘Daniel’, and as an older sister who has seen their love closely, I can’t hide my joy and happiness today.
As the youngest of three siblings, she grew up with a lot of happiness, sometimes being affectionate and caring for her nieces and nephews, sometimes having a bigger heart than my eldest sister, and always looking out for her family and making them happy. It still doesn’t seem real to me that she will always be by my side.
But now, I have Daniel, my brother-in-law, who is my patron, helper, and companion who will protect my youngest more than anyone else. In Buddhism, a relationship is described by the probability of a grain of rice falling from the sky when a needle is placed on a flat piece of ground. Today’s marriage is the culmination of that precious connection, bringing two different families together. I want you to know that your marriage has created new family connections.
First of all, I’d like to ask my beloved Daniel. I hope our ‘Daniel’ will cherish and love her as he always has. She is a wife who looks strong on the outside but has a weak heart like Jericho. I hope you live with the mindset of “Let’s protect and take care of her because she is strong” rather than “Men should rule over women because they are strong”.
To my dear sister ‘Maria’. My husband is a man in the battlefield of a harsh society. The reason why society is so fierce and scary is because the heads of each family compete fiercely to protect their families. As the head of a family, your only ally is your wife. I hope she will be a wise wife who creates a warm and happy family. There is no right answer to love and marriage, but I believe that this couple will find a wise answer in the challenges of life that they have to solve from today. We congratulate them on their miraculous decision to share their hearts and live their lives together, and we are honored to be a witness to this marriage.
The best days of your life are the ones that are still to come. The days that the bride and groom will spend together will be a continuation of the best days of their lives. I conclude my remarks by wishing them happiness and only good things.



Thank you from the mother of the bride

How are you? This is ○○○, the mother of the bride. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for braving the weather to attend and celebrate the bride and groom’s wedding. On such a special day, the warm blessings of each and every one of you meant a lot to us and made this ceremony even better.
It’s often said that if you get married on a rainy day, you’ll live happily ever after, and I think that’s probably true. I believe that the rain that fell today will bring a lot of happiness and abundance to their future.
As a mother sending her still young daughter off to be married, my heart is filled with anxiety and worry. It is overwhelming for me to realize that the daughter I love the most in the world will start a new family and a new life, but it is not without a sense of separation. My husband, who understands my feelings, seems to be more emotional than ever. My father’s heart is probably bigger than mine.
My in-laws have warmly welcomed and lovingly cared for my daughter, who has been lacking in our family, and as a mother who is sending her daughter away, I am truly grateful for their deep consideration and love. In the future, we will continue to cherish and love our son-in-law as much as we can, as if he were our own son.
In the lead-up to our daughter’s wedding, we have had many conversations about the time since she was born, and the years have flashed by like a flashlight. Holding her hand as a child, taking her to kindergarten for the first time, celebrating when she won first place in a running race, entering high school and college… all of these moments are precious to us. I’m so grateful for the beautiful woman she’s grown up to be, and I’m so relieved that she now has a groom to share that love with.
I would also like to thank my son-in-law ○○○, who cherishes and loves my daughter more than anyone else in the world. When my daughter first brought him home, I remember seeing him enjoying the food I cooked and realizing that this is the man who will be my daughter’s husband. They say that people who eat well are blessed with good fortune and a warm heart, and I think that’s exactly what our son-in-law is.
We now bless the two of you on your new home together, and we wish you many happy days ahead. We sincerely hope that you will be a respectful, caring, and loving couple. Marriage is a new beginning in life, and the most important thing in a marriage is that you respect, understand, and care for each other. As a 30-year veteran of marriage, I would like to remind you that husbands should love their wives and wives should respect their husbands. I believe this is the secret to creating the most beautiful family.
In closing, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for being here today. Your blessings will be a great strength for these children in the future. I wish all of you health and happiness in your homes. Thank you.



Thank you from the father of the bride

Today my beloved daughter is coming of age and getting married. It didn’t really sink in until yesterday, but as I sit here and read the letter I’ve prepared for her, it’s all too real.
First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone who attended and blessed our daughter’s wedding on this momentous day. As a father sending my daughter off, this moment is very emotional. Your presence here with your warm hearts means so much to our family.
In fact, the letter I’m reading for my daughter today is not a recent one; it was written when she was younger, when we were struggling financially, and I imagined the day she would get married. It felt like such a vague dream at the time, and I’m thrilled that this moment has come to pass.
My dearest daughter,
Daddy lived in a shack when you were four years old. But he doesn’t remember those days very well, perhaps because they were so painful and difficult. But when you were four years old, you begged him to move you to a two-story house, saying it was too hard to climb to the fourth floor. Your heart sank, and he choked back tears. He didn’t want you to remember being four years old, because it was so hard.
Even though our family slept in a small room with a leaky roof, we were always happy to be together. Before I loved you, I was already living hard and accepting the hardships, but the more I loved you, the more I felt the need to live hard and dream of a better future.
When I think back to the days when we were poor, I feel so many emotions, but I’m so grateful that we have the family we have today, and most of all, that your beautiful face is standing in front of me.
I wrote this letter thinking that the day would come when I would read it to my daughter when she was getting married, and today is that day. I can’t tell you how beautiful and proud I am to see you in front of me in your white wedding dress.
My dear daughter, I want you to be happier than anyone else in the world. There’s only one reason I’ve been working so hard, and that’s because I want to make you happy. Are you ashamed of the way you look right now? I am so grateful to you for making my life beautiful with your affection and smile.
Today, seeing you meet the love of your life and start a new family makes me wish you all the happiness in the world. There will be trials and difficulties in life, and I will always believe that you will be able to handle them. From now on, your husband will be your windbreaker, not you, and that’s a great relief to me.
My dear daughter, I congratulate you on your marriage and wish you both a long and happy life together.
And to my son-in-law ○○○, I ask you to love and cherish our daughter very much, and to live together with her. May the love you two share grow and grow.
Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of our family, friends, and guests for attending this wedding today. Your presence has made this day so much more warm and meaningful.
Thank you again.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!