
Why do humans cooperate? (The instinct to cooperate through the eusocial species hypothesis and the evolution of altruistic behavior)


This article explains why humans cooperate through altruistic behavior and how altruism evolved, using the eusocial species hypothesis and the prisoner’s dilemma. It discusses that people with similar dispositions can be highly rewarded when they come together to cooperate, and that this is a strategy that favors the development of society and the survival of individuals.   With the...

Why do nice people exist? (The evolution and limits of altruism in the context of the reciprocity hypothesis)


This course explores why good people exist from an economic and evolutionary perspective, covering the kin selection hypothesis and the reciprocity hypothesis. The repetition-reciprocity hypothesis theorizes that people act altruistically in repeated situations where there is a possibility of retaliation, but it has limitations in explaining one-off encounters or situations involving large...

How does evolutionary theory explain the origin of life and what insights does it provide about life and nature?


This article traces the development of evolutionary theory from Lamarck’s theory of soluble bodies to Darwin’s theory of natural selection to modern genetics, and how it provides a deeper understanding of the origin and change of life. It explores how the scientific method explains the diversity of life and the impact of evolutionary theory beyond the sciences into the humanities and...

Why can the altruistic behavior of the Qing Yongzheng regime be explained by the repetition-reciprocity hypothesis?


The Qing dynasty’s Ongzheng dynasty demonstrated altruistic behavior by introducing a system of two-for-one corruption to prevent corruption among officials. This can be explained by the repetition-reciprocity hypothesis, which argues that altruistic behavior occurs when reciprocity and repetition are combined. Ong’s policies demonstrate the evolutionary strength of altruistic...

How could wireless power transmission and reception technology change our lives and industries?


Electronics have revolutionized our lives and industries, but the inconvenience and danger of wires still exists. To address this, wireless power transmission and reception technologies, such as magnetic induction and magnetic resonance, can be utilized in a variety of fields and have the potential to revolutionize our lives.   Compare life 500 years ago to today. One of the most...

How does genetic nature or environmental upbringing shape human temperament?


In ancient and medieval times, the world was viewed in an organic and purposive way, but with the development of modern science, we have come to understand objects by breaking them down into smaller units. The role of nature and nurture in shaping human temperament has been debated, and more recently, the interplay between genes and environment has been recognized as important.   In ancient...

How can you improve your evaluation system to prevent free-riding in group activities and encourage conscientious participation?


  To prevent free-riding in group activities and ensure that everyone participates with integrity, we need a way to evaluate the contributions of group members. This promotes altruistic behavior through the iteration-reciprocity hypothesis, which ultimately connects to reasons to live right. Humans interact through social evaluation, and this is how we create a better society.   The...

In the age of big data, how secure are we protecting our privacy?


  In the age of big data, we’re getting more personalized services from a wealth of data, but we’re also facing the risk of personal information leaks and invasions of privacy. Companies are using big data to analyze consumer patterns and develop marketing strategies, but privacy is becoming increasingly important in this process. Finding a balance between commercial utilization...

Is Dawkins’ theory of kin selection sufficient to explain genetic altruism?


  This article examines the theory of kin selection presented in Richard Dawkins’ ‘ The Selfish Gene’ and argues that his theory falls short in explaining genetic altruism; in particular, it emphasizes the importance of environmental factors and suggests the need to supplement existing theories.   Introduction Richard Dawkins’ 1976 publication of The Selfish Gene...

How the Department of Materials Engineering is transforming human life and becoming an integral part of future industries!


Materials engineering is the study of all materials used by humans, understanding their electromagnetic and thermal properties and applying them in real life. Through its applications in various industries and creative innovations, materials engineering plays a key role in the development of future industries.   When you enter college and meet people around you, you will always be asked what...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!