
How effective are monetary sanctions for corporate wrongdoing in deterring illegal behavior?


Under current law, monetary sanctions for illegal behavior include damages, fines, and penalties, which are intended to remedy the victim, punish the perpetrator, and correct the violation of the law, respectively. Fines, in particular, serve as a deterrent, but they have their limitations when it comes to illegal behavior that is unlikely to be detected. In such cases, punitive damages are...

How does Boltanski use amateur photography to reveal the realism and fiction of photography?


By using amateur photographs as objects in his works, Boltanski allows the viewer to read cultural codes through ideograms and sociograms, revealing both the realism and fiction of the photographs. This allows the viewer to actively participate in the interpretation of the work and discover the multi-layered meanings of the photographs.   Modernist artists emphasized the purity and...

What is the significance of anamorphosis in art?


While Renaissance artists focused the viewer’s gaze straight ahead, Baroque artists used the technique of anamorphosis to make distorted figures visible from a specific angle or through a mirror. This allowed the viewer to actively engage with the work and rediscover the meaning of art.   Renaissance artists typically represented objects by placing the viewer’s eye at the front...

How do submarines reduce noise and conduct stealthy missions underwater?


Contrasting a submarine on a sunny beach with a submarine in the deep, dark ocean, explain the sources of submarine noise and the various techniques for reducing it. Emphasize the importance of developing technologies to keep submarines stealthy.   People are having fun on a sunny beach. The sounds of children running around, adults chatting, and a loudspeaker playing music fill the space...

Can we find true happiness on social media, or are we simply chasing an illusion?


  Smartphones and social media keep us connected in real time and facilitate communication. But overuse can damage our mental health and cause us to miss important moments. Balanced use and a digital detox are necessary, and a harmonious coexistence between technology and humans is key.   How is your social media? ‘○○○ commented on your post’ ‘○○○ and 39 other people...

What is wellness, and how does its importance in modern society connect to changes in science and technology?


Wellness is a modern way of life that seeks health and happiness, and has become a social value that emphasizes natural and human-centered elements. Science and technology have also reflected these changes and are developing to make human life more enriching.   Nowadays, modern people love the word wellness. Since the recent arrival of wellness culture, wellness has quickly become a social...

How did auteurist criticism shift the paradigm of French cinema and bring new values to Hollywood’s commercial films?


Emerging in France in the 1950s, auteurism viewed directors as “authors” rather than just directors, emphasizing the projection of the director’s creativity and personality into the film. This critical theory was promoted in response to the literary and theatrical production practices of French cinema and led to the rediscovery of the director’s originality, even in...

Why is government intervention in the economy necessary? (The Keynesian vs. Classical Economist Debate)


During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Keynes attributed the recession to a “lack of demand” and advocated active government intervention, while classical economists believed in market self-regulation. This debate became the foundation of modern economic policy.   In the 1930s, the world was suffering from a severe economic downturn called the Great Depression. Classical...

How do collective rituals strengthen the moral bonds of individuals and create new moral communities in modern societies?


Durkheim examines the collective rituals of Australian tribes to illustrate the process of renewing community cohesion through the use of a categorization system of holy and unholy. In modern societies, collective rituals also create new moral communities, which Parsons and Smelser crystallized into functionalist theory. Alexander extends this to social performance theory to explain the...

What are the views of nature and civilization of Hobbes, Rousseau, and Nietzsche, and how can they be applied to modern society?


In Western philosophy, the concept of nature has been interpreted differently by different philosophers. Hobbes saw nature as a state of disorderly competition and emphasized the need for a civilized society, while Rousseau valued the purity of nature, criticizing civilization and calling for a return to nature. Nietzsche saw nature as abundant and vibrant, and argued that humans should realize...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!