
Should embryonic stem cell research continue at the risk of bioethical issues and research safety?


It is argued that embryonic stem cell research should be stopped due to bioethical concerns and research safety issues. Embryos should be respected as living beings with the potential to differentiate into human beings and should not be subjected to the risks of incomplete research. Instead, alternatives such as adult stem cell research should be used to advance biotechnology.   Science and...

Why is altruistic behavior rare in human society, but still important?


This article explains why altruistic behavior is rare in humans from an evolutionary perspective and discusses how the reciprocity hypothesis suggests that altruistic behavior is actually for mutual benefit. In doing so, it highlights the continued importance of altruistic behavior in human society and nature.   Thick, thick, thick, I’ll give you my old house, I’ll give you a new...

Why do we need to stop free riding in college classes and make sure everyone contributes fairly?


The issue of free riding in group work is stressful for many college students. The best way to prevent free riding is to create a sense of moral obligation and conscience through group communication. This is more likely to encourage continued cooperation and good behavior than a simple grade penalty.   It’s the day before the group presentation, but the group hasn’t received the...

How have AlphaGo and deep learning technology impacted the development of artificial intelligence and changed society?


The 2016 Go match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol put deep learning in the spotlight. Deep learning enables AI to learn on its own and has revolutionized many fields, including image recognition, speech recognition, and more. AlphaGo won the game through unsupervised learning, and advances in deep learning technology will positively transform industries such as healthcare, education, and finance...

How has touchscreen technology revolutionized and changed our daily lives with the advent of the smartphone era?


With the rapid proliferation of smartphones, touchscreen technology has revolutionized our daily lives. Resistive, capacitive, ultrasonic, and infrared touchscreen technologies, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, have been applied to a variety of electronic devices, not just smartphones, to increase convenience and efficiency.   When you get on the subway on your way home and...

Can dye-sensitized solar cells generate energy while you relax on a warm spring day?


Dye-sensitized solar cells are a technology that uses dyes to absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity, with the advantages of low cost, a wide range of colors, and the ability to operate in low light levels. This technology has potential applications in various fields such as architecture, agriculture, and environmental protection, and commercial success is expected to be achieved by...

How did DuPont transform from a textile company to a multidisciplinary science company, and how did the Six Sigma movement play a role in the process?


DuPont sold its textile business and adopted the Six Sigma movement to transform itself into a multidisciplinary science company. The Six Sigma movement was a key tool that enabled DuPont to succeed in new areas through quality improvement and management innovation. DuPont has made great strides in the agriculture and food sectors and has established itself as a company that practices...

How data mining reveals a correlation between diapers and beer sales to boost sales!


Learn how a large supermarket used data mining to discover that diapers and beer sales are related, and then changed the product mix to increase sales. We explain in detail how data mining works, the different types of data mining, and what it can do for you. Data mining can be used in many fields, not just marketing, and will play an increasingly important role in the era of big data.   You...

Can multiverse theory be recognized as science? What are the limits of its theoretical validity and verifiability?


Multiverse theory, the theory that there are an infinite number of universes, is a controversial idea that, while attractive and full of promise, is practically unverifiable, making it difficult to grant it scientific status. Although multiverse theory is not currently recognized as science according to Kuhn and Feynman’s definition of science, its philosophical implications and...

If advances in science and technology lead to eternal life, will it bring true happiness?


If the possibility of eternal life becomes a reality, the value and meaning of life may fade, and advances in science and technology do not necessarily guarantee happiness. Eternal life is more likely to cause social and economic problems, and it is more important to find true happiness in our current finite lives.   Humanity has made remarkable scientific advances throughout history. The...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!