Wes Anderson’s Asteroid City is a unique film that blurs the lines between reality and fiction through its framed structure and philosophical message, challenging audiences to ponder the meaning and nature of life. Asteroid City is a new movie by director Wes Anderson, released in 2023. While watching the movie, I had a number of thoughts about its structure and themes that I wanted...
Is ‘Goodfellas’ Martin Scorsese’s signature filmography?
Martin Scorsese’s Taxi Driver and Goodfellas are two of the most important films in his filmography. Goodfellas, in particular, is considered to be a modern take on the gangster movie tradition and a bold departure from established genre conventions. The film’s unique narrative and characterization betrays audience expectations and focuses on realistically depicting the chaos...
In the movie La piel que habito The Skin I Live In, how do love and control in the shadow of revenge reveal and resolve essential human deficiencies?
The film is ostensibly a revenge story, but through Robert’s inner deficiencies and the events that lead up to them, it explores the complex emotions of revenge, love, and control, raising questions about our essential human deficiencies and how to resolve them. At first glance, the plot of La piel que habito The Skin I Live In seems like a simple revenge story. There are countless...
How can you build the confidence to believe in yourself and grow into a dragon warrior like Po the Kung Fu Panda?
This article highlights the importance of believing in yourself through the story of Po, the main character in the movie Kung Fu Panda, as he gains confidence and grows into a dragon warrior. Through the faith of those around him and his own beliefs, Po grows both internally and externally, reminding us of the need to live a confident and challenging life. In the beginning, when the world...
Why Naoko Ogigami’s Glasses is a unique, healing comedy that’s sure to become a favorite
Naoko Ogigami’s Glasses follows the story of Taeko, a young woman who finds true relaxation through the small things in life with the unique characters she meets in a southern seaside town. The comedic elements of the movie, such as Mercy Gymnastics and Grandma Sakura’s red bean shaved ice, make you laugh, but they also remind you of the small moments of happiness and serenity...
Neo’s Choice, Virtual vs. Real: Where is the Truth and Which Should We Choose?
In the movie The Matrix, when Neo chooses the red pill to leave the virtual world and enter the real world, it’s a pivotal moment in his life. This article compares the pros and cons of virtual and real worlds, and discusses how virtual worlds may not be just an illusion, but another form of truth. “Do you want the red pill or the blue pill?” is the moment when Neo leaves the Matrix...
What is the message of Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’: nature’s revenge or a satire of capitalism?
Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds explores the relationship between capitalism and nature through the mysterious circumstances of a bird attack on humanity, and through its complex interpretation and intense suspense, it conveys a message that is relevant to modern society. Director Alfred Hitchcock is considered the master of commercial film art in the field of thriller and mystery...
How did Vivien Meyer’s hidden film stash come to light?
An analysis of the documentary Finding Vivien Meyer, which tells the story of how the hidden film of a French-born street photographer named Vivien Meyer was accidentally discovered at an auction, and how her secret life and artistic world came to light. Highlights include director John Maloof’s exploration of Meyer’s life, the emotions of bringing her photographs to light, the...
Will advances in intelligent design lead to polarization and inequality, and is equitable distribution possible in a capitalist system?
In Yuval Noah Harari’s end-of-the-world scenario, intelligently designed technologies could lead to a new evolution of humanity and extreme social inequality. It is worth discussing whether this technology can be equitably distributed within a capitalist system. Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens, has outlined three scenarios in which the human race may become extinct in the...
Book Review – Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology (Evolution vs. Creationism)
I read William A. Dembski’s book Intelligent Design. It explores the complex relationship between science and religion, focusing on the long-standing confrontation between evolution and creationism, and highlights the theory of intelligent design. Religion, like science, has been around since the dawn of mankind, and like science, it has shaped and expanded its power over time...