Could the Hyperloop be the next fifth-generation transportation from the movies to reality?


The hyperloop is a revolutionary mode of transportation that combines vacuum tubes and magnetic levitation technology to achieve ultra-high-speed travel. Just like in the movies, it promises to allow people to travel long distances in a short amount of time, but there are still many technical challenges to overcome before commercialization.


We are living in an era where the imaginary technologies we see in movies are becoming a reality. It’s not uncommon anymore to see cutting-edge technology from the movies come to life. In the movie Kingsman, the teleportation vehicle that the main character rides in is showing signs of becoming a reality. Take for example the capsule-like circular barrel that the main character travels in deep underground to get to the Kingsman’s base. This mode of transportation, which transported the protagonist to his destination in the blink of an eye, is called a hyperloop.
Before we get into the hyperloop, it’s worth taking a quick look at the development of trains. The first person to do so was George Stephenson, who invented the steam locomotive in 1814. Starting with a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, trains were gradually improved to reach speeds of more than 100 kilometers per hour. Since then, trains have evolved dramatically, with diesel-powered locomotives, electric trains, maglev trains, bullet trains, and trains incorporating various technologies. The modern train is no longer just a means of transportation, but a technological innovation. The latest innovation to emerge from this process is the hyperloop.
The hyperloop is more than just a means of transportation, it’s a technology that opens the door to a new era. Behind this is a man who has been working since childhood to turn imagination into reality. Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, two of the world’s leading innovative companies. He has come up with a new type of high-speed train called the Hyperloop. Musk didn’t just pull this idea out of his imagination, he built on the various technologies and experiences he’d had growing up. In particular, he was inspired by the pneumatic tube system, also known as an air shooter. These were used in post offices, where an empty tube was filled with a container and the pressure of the air was used to move objects quickly. Today, they’re mostly used in hospitals, helping to quickly deliver blood samples, medications, and more.
Musk’s initial concept for the Hyperloop involved placing a capsule in a vacuum tube and pushing it under high pressure to generate momentum. At the same time, he used magnetic levitation and residual air in the tube to float the capsule, minimizing drag. As a result, it was possible to travel at ultra-high speeds with almost no resistance with a single thrust. However, in the actual development of the Hyperloop, the method of compressing and shooting air was replaced by a method that utilizes the push and pull forces of the N and S poles of the magnet. This technology has evolved into a new technology called “passive magnetic levitation,” which is different from conventional maglev trains.
While the hyperloop is a very innovative idea, there are still a number of problems that need to be solved. One of them is the enormous gravitational forces that passengers must endure when going around curves. Hyperloop developers claim that passengers could experience a G-force of 5 Gs, which is the pressure of an F1 driver. Not only that, but there’s no view of the outside world while traveling in the tube, and there are no restrooms or cabin attendants. Another challenge is that if the tube cracks, there could be a critical need to maintain a sub-vacuum. Despite these challenges, the hyperloop still holds great promise as a fifth-generation mode of transportation.
Nevertheless, there are three main reasons why hyperloops are gaining traction as a fifth generation of transportation. First, it’s the promise of ultra-high-speed travel. Hyperloops move people and goods through vacuum tubes, and their speeds can reach up to 800 kilometers per hour. This would make it possible to cover the distance from San Francisco to Los Angeles in less than 30 minutes. Considering that high-speed trains currently travel at around 240 kilometers per hour, the Hyperloop would be more than three times faster. This could lead to a revolutionary reduction in long-distance travel times.
Second, hyperloops can run more frequently. In theory, a Hyperloop could depart every 30 seconds, and according to Craig Hodgett, a designer on the UCLA Hyperloop development project, capsules could arrive every 30 to 120 seconds. Compared to California’s high-speed rail, which runs trains every 20 minutes during peak periods, the Hyperloop has the potential to dramatically increase the movement of passengers and goods.
Third, hyperloops use futuristic technology. The new Hyperloop is being hailed as an environmentally friendly train that uses solar panels. As the various technologies become increasingly feasible, investor interest continues to grow.
As of 2023, the first test run of the Hyperloop in the desert of Nevada, USA, was successfully completed in 2016. During the test run, the Hyperloop traveled at a speed of 187 kilometers per hour, reaching a top speed of 483 kilometers per hour. This test run marked the transition of Hyperloop technology from research to full-scale development. Hyperloop One then established a manufacturing plant and began operations with more than 170 employees.
From 2017 to 2019, Hyperloop One tested the components of the prototype and worked to build a production system. While the initial goal of commercializing cargo transportation by 2019 was not met, the technology has continued to develop. Lloyd, then-CEO, announced that the company would commercialize cargo transportation by 2019 and passenger transportation by 2022, but technical, regulatory, and financial challenges delayed those goals. As of 2023, hyperloop technology is still under development, with several major companies continuing further research and testing toward commercialization. When hyperloops become commercially available, they have the potential to revolutionize transportation. However, the exact timing of commercialization is still unclear.
South Korea has also recognized the potential value of hyperloops and is working to become competitive. Researcher Kim Dong-hyun of the Korea Institute of Railroad Technology successfully drove a model car at 700 kilometers per hour, confirming the potential of hyperloops. In addition, researchers at Korea’s research institutes such as the Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology, the Korea Institute of Railroad Technology, and the Korea Institute of Machinery Research are continuing to develop key technologies such as high-efficiency air compressors to propel hyperloops. As such, the commercialization of hyperloop, the fifth generation of transportation, is getting closer and closer. It is expected that the problems will be gradually solved through continued research, and the innovation of traveling from Seoul to Busan in just 16 minutes is not far away.
The success of the Hyperloop will be more than just a technological advancement; it will set a new standard for how we approach transportation in the future. Based on the progress made to date, hyperloops are expected to play an important role in the future of society.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!