Will human technology and intelligence allow us to extend our lifespan indefinitely, or will biological limitations and social factors prevent us from doing so?



This article explores the potential for human technology and intelligence to extend human lifespan to infinity. By analyzing how life-extending technologies, social factors, and biological limitations affect human lifespan, we discuss whether it is possible for humans to live forever in the Homo deus era.


Humanity survives by having a more destructive and far-reaching impact on the Earth’s ecosystems than any other life form that has ever existed. This is due to the tools and technologies developed during our evolution and the complexity of our social structures. In particular, since the Industrial Revolution, humans have transformed the natural environment through rapidly advancing technology and industrialization, which has profoundly altered Earth’s ecosystems. In this process, humans continuously improved their abilities to survive, and as a result, the desire to extend life grew.
In the book Homo Deus, there are references to our enhanced abilities. The future humans presented in the book are beings with much more advanced technology and intelligence than we have today, and their abilities are beyond the scope of our current capabilities. As I read the book, it occurred to me that in the Homo deus era, there will be life-extending factors through more advanced technology and culture than in the Anthropocene. In particular, I wondered if life-extending technologies and the various innovations that make them possible could extend human lifespans indefinitely.
If human capabilities continue to improve, could human lifespan ultimately reach infinity? Based on this question, I will discuss the possibility of life extension through enhanced intelligence and abilities in Homo deus. I will also explore the longevity of Homo deus by considering social factors that may affect longevity, such as stress in modern society, and the biological costs of supporting increased intelligence and abilities, such as increased respiratory rates.


Research assumptions and premises

The goal of this argument is to analyze the various factors that affect human lifespan and then argue whether these factors can increase human lifespan to infinity. To do this, we will make several assumptions.
The first assumption is that we will consider humans as a single organism, i.e., we will take a generalized view of the species as a whole, rather than individual humans. The second assumption is that if a factor affects human lifespan, it must be taken into account. This allows us to make a more realistic argument.
The third assumption is that human life-extending technologies work in combination with other technologies, and that the rate of progress in life-extending technologies is proportional to the rate of progress in other technologies. This assumption takes into account the interdependence of technologies.
The fourth assumption discusses factors that humans and animals may share. For example, if a life-extending technology works to extend the lifespan of animals, it is assumed that the same technology can be applied to humans.
The fifth assumption is that the rate of progress in human intelligence is proportional to the rate of progress in technology. This takes into account the fact that human intelligence has been continuously improving. We also assume that the amount of energy humans consume outside of intelligence has not changed.
Finally, we assume that the energy used by humans to think is proportional to their intelligence. This is based on the assumption that the human brain uses a lot of energy in thinking activities, and as intelligence increases, more energy will be required.


Factors affecting human lifespan – life extension technologies and increased intelligence

When discussing how the Homo deus era differs from the Anthropocene, the first thing to mention is the difference in technological advancement. Homo deus has a higher level of intelligence than humans, and this gives us more skills and means to utilize them. This technological advantage is expected to have a much greater impact on the Earth’s ecosystem, as well as the universe as a whole, than we currently have.
If we look at the rate of progress in life-extending technologies that we currently have, we see that both software and biotechnology are advancing exponentially. This suggests that the increase in human lifespan as a function of technological advancement is exponential. However, it’s important to consider that as human technology advances, so does our intelligence, which increases our energy consumption.
Humans use about 20% of their total energy in the brain. This energy consumption will increase as intelligence increases. As you consume more energy, your metabolism will have to work harder to produce more energy, which in turn will increase the work of your heart. In this process, we shouldn’t overlook the possibility that a faster heartbeat could lead to a shorter lifespan.


Another factor affecting human lifespan – stress

Another important factor that affects our lifespan is stress. Humans are social animals, living in complex social structures to defend against external threats and gain social advantages. However, these social structures often suppress individual freedom, create social injustice and conflict, and lead to stress.
Stress is one of the more complex problems in modern society. As our lifestyles change with technological advancements, we are exposed to more information and have to make more choices, which can lead to increased stress. Stress has a huge psychological and physical impact, which can ultimately lead to a shorter lifespan.
On the other hand, technological advances can also contribute to stress relief. For example, as various cultural and recreational activities become more accessible, people are able to relieve stress more effectively. Therefore, with the help of technology, humans in the Homo deus era will be able to find better ways to manage stress than we do now.


Will Homo deus live forever?

Considering the factors affecting human longevity, we can expect the development of the first life-extending technology to increase exponentially. The life-extending effect of the second factor, stress, may be relatively small compared to the first case, but it will still have a significant impact.
Therefore, it can be argued that Homo deus is likely to live forever. However, there are several limitations to this argument. First, it does not address all the factors that affect human longevity. Second, it focuses on factors that are common between animals and humans, and lacks a microanalysis of individual human longevity.
Nonetheless, the argument does discuss the longevity of later hominids, taking into account the characteristics of Homo deus, and I believe it can contribute to explaining the aging phenomenon and declining fertility rates seen in modern societies. The transition to an aging society will inevitably occur if human longevity continues to increase.


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