Why do people turn to simple, repetitive smartphone games to escape the stress of complex real life?


Many people are immersed in smartphone games these days because they provide a sense of accomplishment and security that is difficult to achieve in the complex world. Simple controls and repetitive patterns allow people to forget about stress and fatigue and experience small accomplishments in their daily lives.


Recently, when I take the bus or subway to go to school, I often see a lot of people playing games on their smartphones. Many of these people are playing games at a slow and relaxed pace. Most of the games on smartphones are simple to play, or even spontaneous, with hunting and collecting items to progress. And people stare blankly at these games while commuting to work, going to school, or even at home, staring at their phones. It’s become an everyday occurrence, and people are immersed in these small screens for long periods of time. Perhaps smartphone games have become a small escape from our daily lives.
Most men go to a PC center to play tons of games with their friends. They play games like StarCraft and League of Legends, laughing and having fun together. As we know, we usually play games to relieve stress or for the thrill of feeling the coolness of our hands on the computer monitor. However, smartphone games are less thrilling and less tactile than computer games. In fact, it’s probably more accurate to say that they don’t have the same flavor. When you play games on a smartphone, the graphics are not as good as on a computer, and there’s not as much to do. Despite this, people are hooked on smartphone games, spending countless hours on games that don’t do much, and even spending tons of money on them. This may be a reflection of more than just the fun of the game, but also a desire to feel satisfied and fulfilled with their lives.
Why do people play smartphone games, which in some ways don’t require as much control as computer games, and in some ways can run on their own and get boring? Smartphone games don’t require as many controls as computer games. As a result, it’s easy to invest time, money, and effort to reach a certain position in the game. With smartphone games, there’s a certain amount of investment that goes into reaching a goal, and the rewards are tangible. People can easily get a sense of accomplishment from this. It’s easy to see what you’re lacking and what you’re good at, and even if you fail at a game, you can put it behind you and try again. These factors provide a sense of stability and predictability that is hard to achieve in real life.
However, the society we live in today is characterized by the exact opposite. Many people in our society spend time and effort on personal development, but it doesn’t always turn out the way they want it to. In addition, there is a lot of competition for college, employment, and so on, and if you fail, you can’t make it go away. Therefore, they are increasingly attracted to smartphones because they can achieve their goals by investing time and money in a virtual world that is different from their real world. In real life, uncertainty and failure are always present, but in smartphone games, the belief that you can achieve results through your own efforts is what draws people deeper into the game.
In addition to that, the society we live in is developing very fast, and we are constantly trying to adapt to it. As a result, people are stressed and tired of living in society. In the case of computer games, the controls are complicated to play. Also, when playing online, people criticize each other and even swear at each other if they don”t get along. And, in the case of computer games, we often compete with other users. People feel stressed and tired in their daily lives, and they often feel this stress and tiredness while playing computer games. However, smartphone games are easy to learn because they don“t require a lot of controls, and you can play them without feeling tired because you”re usually alone. In addition, these games provide a sense of security through repetitive and consistent patterns, which can be a relief from complex social interactions.
Even today, many people play smartphone games on buses and subways. People are using smartphone games as a substitute for their tiring daily routines, giving themselves a small sense of accomplishment that they don’t get easily in society. People are substituting their tired social lives for the hard work and exhaustion of smartphone games. This phenomenon is not just entertainment, but also an escape from the anxiety and stress of modern society. Smartphone games provide us with small comforts and small accomplishments in our daily lives, and people continue to find their own sanctuary on the small screen today.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!