A collection of examples of teacher speeches for student graduations



A heartwarming message of encouragement from a teacher to her graduating students, giving them hope and courage for the future. A speech that celebrates their growth while wishing them a fresh start.


Teacher’s final admonition at high school graduation

Good morning, everyone. Today is already the last day I will see you all. I feel a little sad because I’ve spent a short year with you and gotten to know you so well. The regret that I could have been a little more gentle, a little more caring is something I’ve thought about every year as I’ve graduated students, but it’s always the last thing I think about. I’m sorry that I didn’t teach you a little more about life, a little more than the words in a book. But you’ve navigated the most difficult of years, senior year, brilliantly and wisely, without my guidance. Now, as you move on to the bigger world, you’ll encounter worlds you don’t know, and your horizons will be broadened beyond what you can imagine. And while broadening horizons is mostly used in a good way, I’m a little wary of it. The younger you are, the clearer your dreams are. But as you get more comfortable in the world, you start to settle for the status quo and your dreams fade a lot.
I’m sure you remember the movie Jerry Maguire, which I showed you a while ago, where the main character is a very successful sports agent, and he’s very successful, but he comes up with a business philosophy where he manages a lot of clients and pays more attention to a small number of more influential clients. He gets fired from the company for sticking to that philosophy, and there are many crises, but Jerry Maguire never gives up, and he sticks to his philosophy and his will. The reason why I showed this movie to you is that as you go through life, there will be times when you will have to abandon your hopes and dreams for various reasons that you will encounter in real life. I want you to remember the main character of this film and find your center when you are struggling.
I myself have lived my life for more than 50 years, and I’ve lived it in such a way that I can’t even remember what my dreams and goals were when I was younger, and that’s why I often regret the time that has passed. I hope that at least as much as you, my beloved students, never give in to the circumstances around you and live your dreams and goals. Living your dreams is the last thing I want to teach you. You will have a place in the world, a place in the infinitely large world, and I hope that you will always remember this movie and the story I told you when you think your beliefs are wavering. I hope that my students will become members of society who never lose their dreams. I’m sad to see you go, but I’m leaving you for a better place, so I’m going to take it with a grain of salt. I’ll miss you a lot, but as much as I miss you, I’ll be your forever teacher with your backs, and I’ll be your forever cheerleader. Thank you.



Graduation speech from the principal at a high school graduation ceremony

Good morning, everyone, it’s a great pleasure to be here with you on this momentous occasion. First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on your graduation. It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to you all today, for the growth and hard work you have shown over the years has been remarkable, and I am excited to see you move on to new things. This will probably be the last time I speak to you today, but as with every meeting, there will be a parting, and you will understand that this is a natural process. We will cherish the time we have had together, and we have every confidence that you will become great adults in the bigger world.
As you move out into the world, there will be moments of solitude, and when you do, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself honestly. “What do I really want?” and ‘What’s standing in the way of my dreams?’ Ask yourself if it’s not the outside world or other people that’s holding you back, but yourself. Ask yourself if you’ve been using your surroundings or circumstances as an excuse to be complacent and hide behind a shell of yourself. Instead of following the path that others expect you to take, you should truly set your own goals and follow your own path. You are the one who knows you best, and at the end of the day, every step you take will define your life.
As they say, the greatest person in the world is the one who defeats himself, and the hardest battle is the one you fight with yourself. The biggest obstacle you may feel is not someone else, but yourself, as you move toward your goals. Ditch the excuses and have the courage to face your own fears and weaknesses. Set yourself up for success and challenge yourself to live up to your own expectations, not those of others.
There are many choices and challenges ahead of you. Don’t look for the glory, but love the process of getting there, and don’t be afraid to fail. What matters is that you learn along the way, and that you use that learning to better yourself. Whatever path you choose to take, I sincerely hope that with a strong mind and hard work, you will beat yourself and achieve what you want.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely wish each of you peace and happiness in your homes and futures. Congratulations again on your graduation today, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Thank you.



Principal’s speech at high school graduation

Dear students, you are finally graduating. What are your feelings as you step out into the world? You will probably feel a myriad of emotions that you haven’t felt during your time in school.
What do you think about failure, and how would you feel if you had to study failure? Failure studies is based on the premise that everybody in this world fails, whether it’s a human being or an organization, if you challenge something that you haven’t done before, something that you haven’t experienced, if you do something creative, you’re bound to fail, so you shouldn’t think that you shouldn’t fail, that failure is bad.
If you don’t like failure, don’t try, but that’s the same as saying you won’t progress. So, what do you do if you want to do creative work and progress? You need to think about how you can overcome and capitalize on the failures that come with trying new things. Not all failures are bad, and it’s important to realize that there are good failures and bad failures.
Bad failures are when you make the same mistake over and over again due to carelessness or poor judgment. But failures that happen in the process of trying new things and pushing for success and progress are forgivable failures. So if we don’t distinguish between necessary and unnecessary failures, if we don’t beat ourselves up or push ourselves harder, we won’t progress. But failures have in common pain and cost. I wonder if we should experience them. But I don’t think you can achieve anything without failing. The way to succeed is to study and emulate those who have gone before, but that’s a very dangerous way. If you don’t follow the same path as someone who has succeeded before, or if your surroundings change slightly, you’re more likely to fail. But if you challenge yourself, fail and succeed with your own ideas and determination, you can survive the unexpected. In a way, failure is not a tuition fee, but you should make sure that you learn from it, and remember that every failure contains valuable knowledge.
Thank you for listening, and I wish you all the best as you grow into amazing people.



Principal’s advice for high school graduation

You are graduating. The long journey is over and you are now an adult, and an exciting college life awaits you. I am confident that you will grow into wonderful men and women.
I think back to your high school years. You were always studying, falling asleep late at night and waking up early in the morning to turn off the alarm and dragging your heavy bodies to the bathroom. They quickly blow-dry their dry hair, put on their uniforms, and head to school. This is how most students start their day. Some may have skipped breakfast to get a little more sleep, while others may have started the day wishing they were sick. We all know that sleep is sweet, and it’s instinctive.
As a college student, you’re in control of your time. One of the first things you’ll be able to do is schedule yourself. Make the first two hours of your day count. Successful, happy, and free people don’t miss the first two hours of their day. Have a plan for how you want your day to start. Changing the way you start your day changes your day, and changing your day changes your life. Maybe you want to work out and eat in the morning for stamina, or maybe you want to read the newspaper. None of it is easy, but I’m sure that one day will be a good habit that will change your life. Thank you all for listening.



Principal’s Graduation Remarks

Good morning, everyone. I’m Mr. ○○○, your speaker. Today is your graduation. We, the students, have completed three years of high school, and we are finally standing in this honorable place. With some excitement, we are taking our first steps into the world. We’ll be going to college, working, and starting a family, all of which seems like a long way off, but it’s going to happen soon.
I hope we’ll meet more people, have more experiences, and even if there are trials and setbacks along the way, we’ll all get through it. I hope we never, ever give up. I hope we never quit halfway through and never get discouraged. Whatever it is, we can do it because we are who we are. Change your thinking a little bit and you’ll change yourself.
Deep in the night, two men looked out from the window of a prison cell. One saw a high wall, the other saw the stars in the sky. How different they could be, even though they were in the same situation and saw the same sight. A person can be in heaven or hell, depending on their own mind. Will you be a winner or a loser in life? I can confidently say that it depends on your own choice.
If, as fate would have it, sadness comes your way, may you turn it into joy. It’s easy to succeed in a perfect environment where all the conditions are in place, but it’s the achievements that you make in the face of difficult adversity that are the real success and victory. It’s all in the mind. I want our students to always keep that in mind. May they all grow to be good people.
Thank you for listening, everyone. May your families and your future always be happy. Thank you.



Middle School Graduation Speech from the Classroom Teacher

Good evening, everyone. Today is the day you finally graduate after three years of middle school, and although I haven’t been able to teach you much, I feel very fortunate from a teacher’s point of view that you are graduating safely. I don’t want to lecture you one last time, but I do have a few words of advice. I’m saying this out of concern for all of you, so please don’t take it personally and listen to it with gratitude.
If you look in the newspapers or on the news these days, there is a lot of talk about the issue of graduation nakedness. While I have faith that my students will not, please consider it a teacher’s heart that cares about her students. Every year, naked pranks, flour egg throwing, tearing of uniforms, group fights, and other violent pranks are repeatedly pointed out as social problems. Of course, I know it’s all part of the graduation celebration, because I was a student and a teacher, and we all had graduation celebrations, just of a different kind, but the school board is taking a big step forward by organizing a month-long crackdown on school violence during the graduation season. I’m concerned that it’s gotten out of hand.
I’m your homeroom teacher, and I don’t want to see you go wrong. After three years of good work, it would be a bittersweet way to end it. I’m someone who celebrates the graduation of our students and cares about their future. I always want to be on your side, and if it’s a bad culture and practice, we need to stop perpetuating it. That’s why we make it mandatory for our teachers to receive training in crime prevention classes. That’s why teachers in our schools are doing things like announcing during graduation ceremonies and in home communications that bad graduation ceremony behaviors are punishable by school violence. You’ve just climbed one staircase. I hope you remember that there are infinite stairs to climb, and that you don’t throw away precious, once-in-a-lifetime memories for the pleasure and fun of the moment. I’m so sorry for nagging you until the end. Congratulations on your graduation, everyone.



Middle School Graduation Short Farewell

Hello, everyone. This is your presenter ○○○. You have completed three years of schooling, and you are now high school students. High school is definitely different from middle school, and if you neglected your studies in middle school, now is the time to really pay attention to your studies.
It’s obviously important to study well and get good grades. Hopefully, you’ve gained a lot of knowledge. You’ll need to build a foundation of knowledge before you reach adulthood. Hopefully, you’ve expanded your mind with lots of books, newspapers, and experiences. If you don’t do this, I guarantee you won’t be able to live the life you set out to live after high school. Knowledge is both a respite and an escape when you’re older.
If there’s one thing I regret, and I’m sure I will regret, it’s the time I wasted in my youth. If you don’t lay the groundwork when you’re young, it’s easy to become an unattractive person when you’re older. I hope you’ll listen to me and spend your high school years the right way: study and knowledge first, play second, and it’s even better if you do it with as much joy as you do play. Thank you for listening. I wish you all the best for your families and your future. Thank you.



High school graduation speech

Good evening, everyone. Today is the last time I’ll be standing in this classroom with you, on this podium, and I’m so proud and grateful that you’ve persevered through the rigors of your senior year. You all walked into this classroom with the same goal at the beginning: to take the SATs. Your college and major may have been different, but you were all on the path to your dreams. That’s why I’ve been so grateful and proud of you over the past year, and I’m sorry that I didn’t treat you better.
As you move on to bigger and better things, I want to say something to you. You never know what you’re going to do in the future. Some of you may want to run a small shop, some of you may want to work for a big company, some of you may want to start your own business, and some of you may just want to play for the rest of your life. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you aim high. Even if you’re thinking about playing around, you need to scale up.
Let’s use a car as an example. Let’s say I want to own a Benz. If I aim for a Benz, I can own a luxury sedan like an Equus, but if my goal is an Equus to begin with, I can only drive a small to mid-sized Sonata. Those who aspire to be really big, really big, can’t even dream of it. This is the time when your dreams are the biggest and tallest, before the world gets in the way. In fact, when you go to school and manage your grades and prepare to get a job, and then when you get a job and work, you often forget about the dreams you once had. That’s why I want my students to dream as big as they can now and strive to be big. I want my students to dream even bigger and be even bigger when they go out into the wider world. It’s been a hard year, and I hope this parting won’t be a permanent one. May you always be healthy and grow into a person who means something to someone. Thank you.



A teacher’s final words to his students at a graduation ceremony

Hello everyone, it’s finally the day you’ve been waiting for, graduation. I don’t know if any of you are feeling sad about this day, and it’s not easy for me to say goodbye to you. It’s an obvious truth that where there is meeting, there is parting, but I think it’s also a truth that parting always leaves a regret.
It’s been a struggle to be with you over the past year, but I’ve actually been so proud and happy to see you grow as a teacher, and now that you’re moving on to new paths, I’m sad to say goodbye to you on these last days.
I’ve been thinking a lot about graduation today. It’s my first time teaching a class of high school seniors, and it’s also my first time letting you go, so I’m even more anxious for you. We’ve been through a lot, and I want you to know that no matter what school you’re sitting in, no matter what classroom you’re in, high school graduation is never the end of hardship, but the beginning of new opportunities. Your new beginnings will be filled with new opportunities and experiences that will be unlike anything you’ve ever had before. Like a child at the edge of the water, I’m nervous, but I know you’ll do better than anyone else. Once you’re out there in the big, new world, strive to have as many experiences as you can, because they will nourish your life, no matter what kind of experiences they are. I want you to be the kind of person I wouldn’t recognize if we bumped into each other on the street 10 or 20 years from now, and I want you to be the kind of person who can say hello to me with a smile on your face, and that’s what I want to say to you today, for the last time, as your teacher and as a senior in your life. I hope you always stay healthy and continue to grow in the right direction. I’ve had a great time, and you’ve had a great year of high school, so thank you.



Middle School Graduation Teacher Farewell

Hello everyone, I’ve lost a lot of hair over the past year of being with you, and I’m sad to see you go on to new paths, so on this last day, I’d like to give you one last nag as your homeroom teacher for the year. I know you’re thinking, “Nagging again?”, but I still have so many nagging things to say to you because I care about you, but I know my time is too limited for that, and I’m sorry that I haven’t been better to you.
I’ve been thinking a lot about graduation today. It’s my first time teaching a junior class, and it’s also my first time leaving you behind, so I’m even more worried about you. I want you to know that you’ve been through a lot, and I want you to know that no matter what school you’re sitting in, no matter what classroom you’re sitting in, this is not the end of your struggles, but the beginning of a new opportunity. The next three years are going to be challenging, and they’re going to be boring, and they’re going to be nothing compared to what you’ve been through. I want you to know that these are your last three years of opportunity to make an incomparable difference in your life, and the only reason I want you to know that is because I want you to be the kind of person who, ten years from now, twenty years from now, when we bump into each other on the street, I won’t recognize and will be able to say hello to you with a smile on my face. That’s the last thing I want to say to you today, as your teacher and as your senior in life. I hope you will always be healthy and grow in the right direction. It’s been fun, and you’ve done a great job, thank you.



A note to parents from the director at the kindergarten graduation ceremony

Hello, this is Ms. ○○○, the director of Joy Kindergarten. After a spring of budding buds, a hot summer, and a winter of falling red leaves and crisp coats, I am proud that my children will soon be entering elementary school, but I am also sad to say goodbye to them. Elementary school will bring with it a much more diverse set of experiences and friends than they have now, and I have no doubt that all of the Joy Kindergarten children will adjust well.
Unlike elementary school, kindergartners are picked up by a shuttle bus in the morning and dropped off at home at the end of the day. But elementary school doesn’t drop you off at your doorstep. As a result, you may end up eating junk food with your friends on the way home, or buying supplies, and children gradually realize that money can buy things they want and need. However, immature children don’t understand the price of things. They don’t know the difference between the price of a lollipop and a video game. As they get older, they may know the price of things, but they don’t have a good sense of whether they’re worth the money or not. So I think it’s important to help them understand how much things cost and whether they’re worth the money.
There’s a great way to help kids realize the value of money. It’s called giving them an allowance. Giving children pocket money is the quickest way to teach them the value of things. The freedom of decision-making that comes with it will give them a sense of price. I hope that the children who will be entering primary school in March will cherish their memories of kindergarten. In conclusion, I would like to thank all the parents for taking time out of their busy schedules to attend this event and congratulate them on their graduation from kindergarten and their transition to primary school. I wish you a very happy new year. Thank you.



A teacher’s advice to students about to enter college

Hello, everyone! I remember three years ago, when I first came to our high school and stood on this podium as your freshman class president, I was a new student, and you were a new freshman class. Three years have passed, and now the time has come for me to say goodbye to you in the name of graduation. Is it just me or does it feel like time has flown by? You’re excited to see what the world has in store for you, but I can’t help but feel a little anxious. You’ve had such a difficult senior year, you guys. You’ve endured junior year, one of the hardest, most challenging, and yet sweetly fruitful years of your teenage years, and you’ve endured it so well. I don’t say endured it well, but you’ve made the best of it, haven’t you, guys?
When I first took over as a senior classroom teacher, there was a lot of concern from the teachers around me. I was told by another senior teacher that juniors are very sensitive and that it could be a stressful time for me. However, contrary to my fears, my junior B class was so harmonious and joyful as we navigated through the year. It reminded me of my own junior year a few decades ago, when I was in a hurry to think about myself and not about us. In hindsight, there’s nothing I regret more than that. Fortunately, my class showed that they cared more about each other than themselves, and as a teacher, and therefore as a senior in life, I couldn’t help but be heartened.
Everyone, there will be many difficult things in life, but the past year you have spent has been as difficult and challenging as the difficult things that will come in the future, and you have managed to get through it by thinking about “we” instead of “me”. What I want you to do is to go out into the world and become people who think about “we” instead of “me” no matter what difficulties you face. Of course, after a year of observation, I have no doubt that our students will do just that. So, my dear Class B students, you have won the battle against self with flying colors. Congratulations on your graduation. We love you.



Middle School Ordinance Time Principal’s Speech

Good morning, everyone. As we enter the month of February, where the cold of winter is beginning to give way to the warmth of spring, the graduation atmosphere is in full swing. Roses are blooming in the streets and the sidewalks are crowded with parents and graduates. Our own school is just around the corner from graduation. First, we’d like to say hello to our soon-to-be graduating seniors. The thought of saying goodbye to your middle school years is probably distracting, but the graduation ceremonies we see in the media every day are not typical.
Naked graduation ceremonies, where students rip off their uniforms, have been in the news endlessly. In recent years, schools have even brought in the police. It’s sad and unfortunate, but when I think back to last year, my school’s graduation ceremony was no different: students threw flour and eggs at each other indiscriminately, leaving the school grounds a mess of flour and eggs, and then they walked out of the school giggling and covered in flour and eggs. I felt a pit in my stomach as I watched.
Graduation ceremonies don’t have to be solemn, and I completely understand the desire to make one last unforgettable memory before leaving high school, but it’s a ceremony where you’re saying goodbye to a school you’ve spent three years attending and forming friendships with, so a certain amount of decorum is in order. Tearing uniforms, throwing flour all over yourself, and other ugly and outlandish behaviors are in no way glorified or excused in the name of making one last memory. We hope you remember to be respectful of your school and your fellow students. Some students may argue that these graduation rituals are tradition. Bad traditions are not traditions; we need to get rid of them and create new, beautiful ones. I don’t want the traditions of our middle school to be such a tasteless and alarming thing, and I hope you will find a time to look back and reminisce. I want graduation to no longer be a place of madness, but a place to share memories of the past and look forward to tomorrow with friends. We look forward to the renewal of graduation culture. Let’s honor our school with a beautiful graduation culture and set an exemplary example for the younger generation.



High School Graduation Teacher Speech (First impressions matter!)

Good evening, everyone. Congratulations on your graduation. Our three short and long years have finally come to a full stop, but I’m sure you know that. It’s not a period, it’s a new beginning.
I’d like to talk to you about first impressions, because I think a good relationship starts with a good first impression, and I don’t think you can make a good first impression by forcing it. If you don’t have the truth in your heart, it will go out like a candle in the wind. First impressions that come from the heart are the ones that can make a difference. May we do our best to be authentic and honest in every moment of every day. So that the last impression our students have of us is a fond memory of each other. No matter how good your first impression is and how many good things you say about someone, if your last impression is bad, your image of that person will change for the worse. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression. Once you make an impression on someone, you can never get rid of it or take it back. At the end of the day, every encounter and every moment counts. A successful relationship is one that builds bridges between people. May we never forget the importance of first impressions. Thank you, everyone, for listening. May your home and future always be filled with good fortune. Thank you.



Elementary school graduation classroom teacher’s closing remarks

Good morning, everyone. It always seems to be colder than usual on this day. I’m sure it’s because I’m feeling a little bit sad to see you go, and I know you’re excited to move on to the new world of middle school.
From the rolling papers you made to the fall sports games, picnics, and school trips, I have many fond memories of the past year, and I know that these experiences will serve as a source of strength for you in the future. It is said that humans are animals that feed on dreams and hopes. Dreams and hopes are the privilege of hoping for something better that only humans have, and nothing can transcend this privilege. The reason I’m talking about dreams now is that I want to tell you to cherish them one last time because you may lose them in the world you live in. It’s been said that a man without dreams and hopes has no tomorrow. There is only a tomorrow for those who believe there is. I hope I am at least as much of a dreamer of tomorrow as my students.
Everyone, have you ever imagined where you will be 10 years from now, 20 years from now? I think everyone dreams of being successful and living well. Every success starts with a dream, a hope, a will and a belief in the future. My dreams and hopes create motivation and energy to achieve, not only for me, but for the entire organization, and motivation and energy create action, and action creates success. Remember, you can turn discouragement and frustration into dreams and hopes in as little as three seconds. It’s funny how we humans are so much greedier than other animals. We often chase after “more” than our initial goals, and we often forget what our dreams were in the first place. Whatever you’re working towards, always stay grounded and never lose sight of and cherish the dreams you originally set out to achieve. Remember, that’s the path to happiness. I can’t wait for you to go to middle school and experience a bigger world and grow up to be even more amazing.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it's K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let's explore and enjoy Korean culture together!

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!