Participating in international competitions as a college student helped me realize that life goals and values go beyond mere academic achievement. Seeing students from other countries articulate their visions and goals inspired me to pursue growth beyond academics, which led to my goal of writing a book that resonates with readers.
One of the most important aspects of publishing a book is thinking about how it will reach the reader. A book is more than just a collection of pages with words on them; it’s a medium that touches the reader’s heart and conveys intellectual and emotional value, so writing requires effort and strategy beyond just filling the pages. The first time I realized this was related to a pivotal event I experienced many years ago in college.
As an undergraduate student, I traveled to Washington, USA, to participate in the SIFE WORLDCUP, an international competition that gave me the opportunity to learn about different values and life attitudes beyond academic achievement. From preparing for the competition to meeting students from different countries, every moment was an unforgettable time of growth for me. I was particularly impressed by the fact that the participants from different countries had clearly set their own life direction and goals. They weren’t just aiming to succeed in their projects, but they had a clear idea of what they ultimately wanted to accomplish in life and their values, and were developing various ideas based on that.
On the other hand, many students in Korea, myself included, are often stuck in a rut of studying for the sake of studying, and often don’t think enough about what they really want to achieve or where they want to go. When I realized that the purpose of studying is not just to get good grades, but also to build and grow one’s values, it made me think twice about the framework of Korean education. While the Korean entrance examination system can provide students with a path to success, it didn’t seem to provide enough opportunities to find and explore their true goals, which I felt stemmed from differences in the system and culture.
After this experience, I began to ask myself questions about my own goals and direction, not only in my studies but in life in general – to find a path that felt valuable to me, not just to fit an external standard. This is important not only in my personal life, but also in the process of writing books and communicating with readers. In order to give readers the opportunity to find their own goals and expand their thinking through your writing, you must first clarify your own values and perspectives, because the writing that connects with readers is a message of your beliefs.
What I’ve also come to realize is that the purpose of writing is not just to convey facts. Readers open a book expecting to be inspired and enlightened, not just informed. A good book gives readers not only knowledge, but also new ways of thinking and expanding their values. One of the most important things I learned from the competition was that personal experience can be the best teacher, and writing about any experience and the lessons or values you learned along the way can resonate with readers.
My desire to publish a book is to capture that same resonance. I want my message to be more than just information or a lesson, but a vehicle for real change and insight in the lives of my readers. If a book can inspire readers to ask themselves questions, find the answers, and chart their own course, then that’s what I’m writing about.
Finally, what I want to emphasize with this article is that it’s not just about knowledge transfer, it’s about authentic communication between people through the medium of writing. If my experiences and messages can make a small difference in someone’s life, that’s enough for me.