With the rise of cyborgs and posthumans, is it time to redefine humanity?


The rise of cyborgs in science fiction movies blurs the lines between human and non-human, raising questions about our inherent humanity. Unlike Descartes’ concept of the soul in the 17th century, modern scientific and technological advancements have led to the emergence of the posthuman, and the need to redefine human identity and existence.


Cyborgs in science fiction movies not only look like humans, but they also think and act like humans, so should we consider them human? Is there an inherent humanity that distinguishes humans from non-humans?
In the 17th century, Descartes believed that animals and humans have similar bodies, but unlike animals, humans have a soul and the ability to think. He believed that this separation of mind and body distinguishes humans from animals. From this perspective, humans were the only beings with free, subjective consciousness, which gave him confidence in their superior status. Of course, this view was shaken by the rise of materialism and evolutionary theory in the 19th century, but there was no situation in real life where non-human beings could significantly threaten human superiority.
However, since the 20th century, the view that recognized inherent humanity has faced fundamental problems due to the rapid development of science and technology. The emergence of new beings, so-called “posthumans,” who possess abilities enhanced by mechanical implants or genetic modification, began to raise questions about their inherent humanity. Artificial arms and artificial retinas are already being implanted into the body, and the development of artificial intelligence is expected to lead to the emergence of computers that can think, and even cyborgs, which are mechanical humans. As a result, the boundaries between humans and non-humans are blurring, and humans cannot deny or ignore the existence of post-humans who are moving deeper into their realm.
Initially, humans created machines based on science and technology, but now humans have no choice but to adapt to the machine environment they created. Machines no longer exist only as tools for humans, but have the potential to participate in human consciousness and even change the way we live. In this case, it will be difficult to take the exclusive superiority of humans over machines for granted.
The emergence of the posthuman demands a serious rethinking of the perspectives that have recognized our inherent humanity. This reflection should not come down to the need to find another criterion to distinguish humans from non-humans in order to maintain our exclusive superiority. The posthuman discussion is calling for a fundamental rethinking of the very notion of what distinguishes humans from non-humans.
But this discussion is not merely philosophical and theoretical. In reality, the concept of the posthuman is closely connected to our daily lives. For example, we already experience expanded capabilities on a daily basis through high-tech devices such as smartphones, which are significantly changing the way we live. Furthermore, advances in artificial intelligence technology are redefining the way we interact with information. These changes are not just technological advancements; they represent a fundamental shift in human existence.
In a future society where AI and human collaboration will become the norm, the line between man and machine will become even more blurred. As a result, we need to think more deeply about what the unique essence of humanity is and how to preserve and develop it. This is not just a philosophical question, but one that is directly related to our quality of life. The advent of the posthuman era provides an opportunity for us to rethink the question of humanity and, in the process of finding answers, redefine our own existence.
In the end, the emergence of the posthuman demands a new understanding of human identity and existence. Beyond the boundaries of human and non-human, we will need to continue to explore what humanity is and how it might evolve in the future. This will be one of the most important challenges our society will face with the advancement of science and technology.


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