How do proficient readers use background knowledge to understand the meaning of a text?


Proficient readers use their background knowledge to understand the meaning of texts, consider the context of the text to fill in gaps and adjust their reading strategies. They also expand their knowledge through ongoing reading activities and apply it to solve real-world problems.


What skills and attitudes do proficient readers possess? Proficient readers have the ability to effectively use background knowledge to understand and reconstruct the meaning of a text. Background knowledge is a structured body of experience and knowledge that exists in the reader’s memory. Skilled readers activate their background knowledge about the text they’re reading and then use it to understand exactly what the text is saying. They don’t just read the text, they use their background knowledge to dig deeper into the meaning of the text and gain new insights. This enables them to integrate and expand their knowledge instead of acquiring information in bits and pieces.
However, even skilled readers may encounter parts of the text that they don’t understand because they lack background knowledge. In this case, a skilled reader doesn’t stop reading, but considers the context of the text to construct meaning. If necessary, they look up references to expand their understanding of the relevant parts. In the process, the reader absorbs new information and integrates it with existing knowledge, resulting in a richer understanding. In addition, proficient readers often enjoy acquiring new knowledge and are motivated to continue learning.
When preparing to read, proficient readers analyze the characteristics of the text to be read and examine their own reading skills. However, while reading, the characteristics of the text may be different from what they expected, and the reading environment may change. Skilled readers recognize these changes and apply new reading strategies and adjust their reading behavior accordingly. After reading, they reflect and evaluate whether they have met their reading goals and the characteristics of the text. This reflection process contributes to the continuous improvement of reading skills and provides a better reading experience.
The importance of reading is not only for personal growth, but also for social development. Reading is not just an act of obtaining information; it is an important tool for developing critical thinking and improving problem-solving skills. Good readers apply the knowledge they gain from reading to a variety of situations, and in doing so, they strive to improve their lives and the world around them. By reading books on a variety of topics, they gain a broader perspective, which allows them to make better judgments. Furthermore, reading exposes us to different perspectives and opinions, which fosters inclusiveness and openness.
Our ancestors also emphasized that a reader must possess certain abilities and attitudes to read the scriptures. The purpose of reading the scriptures is to reach a state where one can realize the providence of all things through the reasoning contained in the texts, but it is difficult to grasp the meaning contained in the texts because they are compressed in terms of what the author is trying to convey. Therefore, the reading strategy is to read them repeatedly to familiarize oneself with the content. After that, the reader applied a new reading method in consideration of his or her changed condition, and used new strategies such as actively utilizing background knowledge. This was an effort to not only understand the content of the text, but also to realize its meaning at a deeper level.
A good reader doesn’t stop at comprehending a piece of writing, but rather strives for continuous reading. They keep track of their reading history and organize their reading lists to be read in the future, so that they can practice spontaneous and balanced reading. They actively utilize the knowledge and wisdom gained from their reading experiences to solve personal and social problems. In addition, reading enriches an individual’s inner life and enables better communication in social interactions.
Skilled readers also use the insights they gain from reading to raise new questions and maintain a constant state of learning. In this way, reading becomes more than just information acquisition; it becomes a tool for continuous intellectual growth. Skilled readers continually develop their reading habits, which helps them to increase the depth and breadth of their knowledge. The joy of reading and the growth experiences that come with it is what drives readers to continue learning throughout their lives.


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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!