
Did seeds of life from outer space originate life on Earth, or was a meteorite impact responsible for the extinction of life on Earth?


Since the spore theory was first proposed in 1908, the hypothesis that life came to Earth from outer space has been debated among scientists. Even Crick, who discovered the double helix structure of DNA, argued for it, but concrete evidence of the origin of life is still lacking. Both the theory that meteorites brought life and the hypothesis that they wiped out life on Earth are still under...

Is human nature determined by genes, or does culture and nurture have a greater influence?


There is a long-standing debate about whether human nature is determined by genes or whether culture and nurture have a greater influence. This article criticizes biological determinism from the perspective of cultural determinism, which argues that culture has a greater influence on humans than genes.   There are many creatures coexisting in the world. Among them, humans are the only ones...

Why did Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Treatise on Logic and Philosophy redefine the relationship between language and the world in 20th-century philosophy?


Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Logische Philosophische Geschichte analyzed the relationship between language and the world through a picture theory of language, which had a profound impact on 20th-century philosophy, leading to logical realism and key concepts in modern philosophy.   “Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung, written in 1918, had a major influence on modern...

Why does listening to stereo music with earphones make me feel like I’m in a concert hall?


The spatial sensation when listening to stereo music with earphones is due to the auditory system’s ability to localize sound sources based on the time difference between the sound arriving at the two ears, sound shading effects, head and auricle reflections, and interference.   When you listen to stereo music through earphones, the sound reaches your ears at slightly different...

Is CCTV in preschools a necessary safeguard against child abuse or an unnecessary measure that violates fundamental rights?


There is an ongoing debate about whether installing CCTV in kindergartens is effective in preventing child abuse, or whether it violates the fundamental rights of teachers and children. It is argued that installing CCTV is simply a stopgap measure and not a solution to the underlying problem, and that improving the quality of teachers and educating them on child abuse prevention is a more...

Will human technology and intelligence allow us to extend our lifespan indefinitely, or will biological limitations and social factors prevent us from doing so?


  This article explores the potential for human technology and intelligence to extend human lifespan to infinity. By analyzing how life-extending technologies, social factors, and biological limitations affect human lifespan, we discuss whether it is possible for humans to live forever in the Homo deus era.   Humanity survives by having a more destructive and far-reaching impact on the...

Why was the physiological theory of Claudius Galenus, an authority on physiology from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, uncritically accepted by physicians for so long?


Claudius Galenus’s theory of the circulation of blood, the authority on physiology from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance, was long accepted uncritically by the medical community of the time, despite its flawed assumptions. After the 16th century, scholars emerged who challenged the established theory through empirical dissection and experimentation, eventually establishing the modern...

Why has concrete become an integral part of modern architecture with its versatility in strength and shape?


This article explains the history of concrete as an important building material from ancient times to modern times, and how its ability to transform into different strengths and shapes has made it an integral part of architecture. It highlights the role that prestressed concrete technology has played in enabling large, open spaces.   Concrete has a wide range of uses as a building material...

How do we understand that what we believe to be traditions may actually be inventions of a particular time?


This article discusses how many things that people consider traditions were actually invented for a specific time and purpose, and should be understood in the social context of the time, not mythologized.   As humans grow up, they become acculturated to their culture, so they assume that certain institutions and ideas have been around for a very long time. In this process, people take for...

Aren’t we rediscovering ourselves in our dreams every night, confronting our inner truths?


Every night we return to a primal state, both physically and mentally, and dreams become an important tool for exploring the unconscious by projecting our inner world and revealing feelings and desires that are difficult to detect.   Every night, we remove the clothes that wrap around our skin and hang them on the wall. This act is more than just a way to relieve the fatigue of the day...

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Hello! Welcome to Polyglottist. This blog is for anyone who loves Korean culture, whether it’s K-pop, Korean movies, dramas, travel, or anything else. Let’s explore and enjoy Korean culture together!